Consciousness Raising Technologies

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An advanced technology that puts out scalar waves into the room using Tesla-like coils that activate 7 noble gases. Plays frequencies that activate higher consciousness. Also can do a voice analysis and play the frequencies that are missing in you.


High-Tech Negative Ion and Infrared Ray Treatment System that facilitates the bodies own ability to rejuvenate.

GIA Water Frequency

An advanced technology that puts out scalar waves into the room using Tesla-like coils that activate 7 noble gases. The patented i-H2O Activation System is the most effective hydration technology available today.


A downloadable software that helps resonate your intention into being. The Portacle breaks down the essence of an intention into its component parts so it can be resonated back into the body with sound and visuals.


A synergistic combination of sound and color therapy for pain relief and emotional / physical balancing.