A Sound Healing College
Changing Yourself, Others and the World with Sound and Vibration
A California State Approved College
“Approved” means compliance with state standards as set forth in the California Private Postsecondary Act of 2009 and Division.
The bureau’s site is www.bppe.ca.gov
Globe Institute of Recording and Production offers complete Certificate Programs in sound healing and sound therapy — the study of the effect of sound on human beings physiologically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually; and a Certificate in Recording Arts and Technology. The College provides a comprehensive curriculum that has been designed with careful consideration and experience to provide a full perspective on everything going on in the field — in order to obtains the skills needed to be able to work in the field.
The programs at the Institute were established in 2002. Our entire staff are masters in the field, and have years of experience — some as much as 40 years. They are some of top researchers and educators in the field, and are full of heartfelt caring — dedicated to helping students become effective professionals in the field. We set our intention for the highest good both the student and especially for those that they may help in the future.
Download our Catalog
CLICK HERE to view our full Catalog in PDF format on the web (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download a copy of our full Catalog in PDF format.
How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start time for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
Table of Contents / Quick Links
This Webpage is an Overview of the Institute
Click on any these Headings to Jump to that Section
or just Scroll Down

Click Below to see the Details of a Specific Program we Offer
Or, Scroll Down to See and Overview of Everything we Offer
Sound Healing and Therapy Programs
Accessing Healing and
Higher States of Consciousness

CLICK HERE to go directly to the
CLICK HERE to go to the
Recording Arts and Technology Program
Creating Sound and Music that Affects People Deeply

Programs Offered

Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program – AT THE INSTITUTE AND ONLINE
This program is designed to give you an overview of the field, and provide you with skills to be able to do sound healing sessions and on others and sound baths. Many skills are taught that you can use to obtain work or open your own business.
CLICK HERE to go to the Sound Healing Certificate Program details.
Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate Program – ONLINE
This program is designed to help you become a professional sound therapist. It covers how to do intake on a client, and how to use sound for a wide range of physical, mental and emotional issues. It is also helpful for adding sound therapy to a current professional practice.
CLICK HERE to go to the Advanced Program details.
Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program – ONLINE
This program is completely separate from the Sound Healing classes. We teach how to do professional recording, mixing, and production with ProTools recording software so you can work as professional recording engineer, mixer, producer and/or create your own projects.. We teach how to make your music (or others) affect people in a deep and profound way — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually — in order to create music that is more effective and successful. The main instructor, David Gibson, has written the two #1 selling books in Audio, “The Art of Mixing,” and “The Art of Producing,” and has also written the #1 selling in the field of Sound Healing, “The Complete Guide to Sound Healing.” There is no one that has such a wide and unique perspective on the subject.
Continuing Education Individual Classes
We are approved to offer CMTE credits for Music Therapists through CBMT. We are also approved to offer CEU’s for MFT’s.
You may take many of the courses and classes individually, however you will not receive a Certificate, as individual classes are not meant to lead to a career. CLICK HERE for a list of individual classes.
Why Study Here

1. We are an official College, approved by the State of California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Schools. “Approved” means compliance with state standards as set forth in the California Private Postsecondary Act of 2009 and Division.
The bureau’s site is www.bppe.ca.gov
2. We are #1 Sound Healing Institute on the planet for over 20 years.
3. Students that have gone through other Programs say ours is the best.
4. We are a vocational school so we provide detailed skills and techniques to open your own practice or get a job in the field.
Click below to see a full list of Advantages for

You may setup your own practice or work within an established institution such as Integrative Therapy Centers or Complementary Medicine in Hospitals, Alternative Healing Centers, Chiropractic or Acupuncture Offices, Private Healing Centers, Drug Rehab Centers, Physical Therapy Offices, Health Spas, Yoga Centers, or Retreat Centers.
All graduates may immediately start working in our ONLINE Sound Treatment Center upon successful completion of the Sound Healing Certificate Program – www.SoundTreatmentCenter.com If local, graduates may also work in our in-person treatment center in Sausalito – www.SoundTherapyCenter.com
You may setup your own recording studio and sell your own CDs/downloads, or do Recording, Mixing and Producing for clients.
Click below to see a full list of Careers for

Click below to see more feedback from our graduates for
“OMG…. this class has changed my life dramatically”
“I know what makes great mixes now, and how to obtain them”

Our Mission
The Institute promotes inquiry, awareness of sound and music and builds community. The College maintains openness and enthusiasm for learning, including refinement of analytical and critical thinking. The Institute strives to create a learning environment ripe with challenge, openness, exploration and new ideas that help lead students to employment in the fields of Sound Healing and Audio Recording. We support the sound communities by sponsoring events that bring together students, practitioners, educators and researchers in the field to share findings, resources and further the field as a whole. Through the dissemination of information, the school seeks to create increased awareness and acceptance of the powerful effects of sound and music – in all manifestations – and the impact they have upon individuals, alternative healing centers and the entire medical industry.

The Faculty are esteemed scholars, researchers and masters in the field.
Click below to see a full bios and testimonials for each instructor
The Institute has multiple classrooms that have been decorated with the intention of
providing a beautiful sacred space
that resonates love and light
while you are in any room in the building.
Students at the Institute get to use any of our equipment
whenever we have labs or do treatments on each other, or on the public.
More Details and Photos
Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program
186 hours
INSTITUTE – $2600 ONLINE – $2000
Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate Program
135 hours
ONLINE – $2000
Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program
148 hours
ONLINE – $3000
CLICK HERE for more details including Payment Plans
Policies and Procedures
CLICK HERE to view our full Catalog in PDF format on the web (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download a copy of our full Catalog in PDF format.
Annual Report
CLICK HERE to see our 2020 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to see our 2021 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
Performance Fact Sheets
CLICK HERE to see our 2020 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2018/2019 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to see our 2021 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2019/2020 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to go to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education site that approves our Institute. Their contact info is Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, Department of Consumer Affairs at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 or P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 Web site Address: www.bppe.ca.gov
Phone: (888) 370-7589, (916) 574-8900. FAX: (916) 263-1897
Office Hours
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday.
This information is effective December 2021 – December 2022
State Approval
Globe Institute of Recording and Production is a Private Institution approved by the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (which means compliance with standards set forth in the Ed. Code). The following Certificates are approved:
Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program – 186 hours
Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate Program – 135 hours
Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program – 148 hours
CLICK HERE for lots more details.
How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start time for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
CLICK HERE to return to the table of contents
Here’s the outside of the building

Here’s our main classroom and store

Here are our Therapy Rooms

• Crystal & Tibetan Bowls
• Tuning Forks
• Heart Monitor – Galvanic Skin Response
• VoiceBio Voice Analysis
• IQube Voice Analysis
• The Portacle Software
• Visible Body 3D Body Imaging Software
• Nutri-Energetics
• Mac Pro Computers
• Raven Software for slowing down nature sounds
Studio A
• Digidesign Protools HD
• 16 Input D-A Interface
• Digidesign Control 24 Control Surface
• EV Sentry 100 Studio Monitors
• Macintosh Computer
• Kurzweil 2500 Keyboard/Sampler
• 2 Purple Audio Compressor Limiters
• Alesis Speakers
Studio Be (Main Classroom)
• Digidesign ProTools 12
• Digidesign Mbox
• 15 Microphones
• Soundcraft 800 24×8 Mixer
• Yamaha NS40M Speakers
• Yamaha NS20 Speakers
• Rane ME 30 Graphic EQ
• Event Speakers
• BGW Power Amp
• Urei 838 Studio Monitors
• Hafler Power Amp
• Macintosh Computer
• The Virtual Mixer 3D Visual Mixing Software (prototype)
Studio C
• Digidesign ProTools12
• Digidesign Mbox
• Macintosh Computer
• Rane Headphone Amp
• 15 Mic Stands
• Snake
• Lexicon MPX100
Globe Institute of Recording and Production
110 Caledonia St. Ste A
Sausalito, CA 94965
415 777-2486
CLICK HERE to return to Facilities Overview
Tuition Details
Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable) – IN-PERSON & ONLINE – $75
Reader and Book Fees – IN-PERSON & ONLINE – $75
Student Tuition Recovery Fee – IN-PERSON – $7.50
Instructional Fee – IN-PERSON – $2442.50
ONLINE – $1845
ONLINE – $2000
Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate Program
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable) $75
Reader and Book Fees $75
Student Tuition Recovery Fee $5
Instructional Fee $1845
Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable) $75
Reader and Book Fees $75
Student Tuition Recovery Fee $7.50
Instructional Fee $2842.50
Payment Plan
The Institute does not participate in Federal and State financial aid programs so we don’t have Federal Funding.
However, we do offer financing as you go without any interest.
We do not offer Veterans Assistance (VA) but do take employer vouchers.
The Institute does offer a discount for in-person classes when paid more than 2 months in advance.
Certificate Program Downpayment – $750 Must be paid off by the end the program (Normally $500 per month)
(If payments are more than 2 weeks late the student may be put on probation.
If payments are more than one month late the student may be dismissed)
Other Possible Fees
Tutoring (if required) $50 per hour | |
Transcripts Fee | $5 |
Return Check Fee | $25 |
Room and Board (estimate) | $1000 per month |
Transportation (estimate) | $40 per month |
There are no additional fees required for anything else.
CLICK HERE to return to the Tuition Overview
How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start time for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
Policies and Procedures
CLICK HERE to view our full Catalog in PDF format on the web (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download a copy of our full Catalog in PDF format.
Annual Report
CLICK HERE to see our 2020 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to see our 2019 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
Performance Fact Sheets
CLICK HERE to see our 2023 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2021/2022 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to see our 2022 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2020/2021 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to go to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education site that approves our Institute. Their contact info is Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, Department of Consumer Affairs at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 or P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 Web site Address: www.bppe.ca.gov
Phone: (888) 370-7589, (916) 574-8900. FAX: (916) 263-1897
Office Hours
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday.
This information is effective December 2021 – December 2022
State Approval
Globe Institute of Recording and Production is a Private Institution approved by the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (which means compliance with standards set forth in the Ed. Code). The following Certificates are approved:
Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program – 186 hours
Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate Program – 135 hours
Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program – 148 hours
All Instruction is held at 110 Caledonia St. Ste A Sausalito, California with facility occupancy level accommodating 90 students at any one time. This school currently does not have any government sponsored programs to provide grants or to pay for portions of tuition and fees.
California statute requires that a student, who successfully completes a course of study, be awarded an appropriate diploma, certificate, or degree verifying the fact.
Prospective enrollees are encouraged to visit the physical facilities of the school and to discuss personal educational and occupational plans with school personnel prior to enrolling or signing enrollment agreements.
Any questions a student may have regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Suite 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 and (916) 574-8900. Their website is www.bppe.ca.gov
Persons seeking to resolve problems or complaints should first contact the instructor in charge. Requests for further action may be made to David Gibson, President. A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 toll-free or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s internet website www.bppe.ca.gov.
None of the programs at Globe Institute of Recording and Production are accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. A degree program that is unaccredited or a degree from an unaccredited institution is not recognized for some employment positions, including, but not limited to, positions with the State of California, and is not eligible for federal financial aid programs to provide grants or to pay for portions of tuition and fees.
All information in the content of the school catalog is current and correct and is so certified as true by David Gibson.
The Institute has collected a great deal of information to help you in your search for reasonable housing in the San Francisco Bay Area. Contact the Admissions Office at (415) 777-2486 anytime for a list of Agencies, Newspapers and other students looking for housing. Some web sites you might check are: sfgate.com, craigslist.com, listorganization.com, renttech.com, homefinders.com, metrorent.com, bayinsider.com, and ucsfedu.org.
Admission Policy and Process
Admission Policy and Process A high school education or equivalent is required for admission to all programs. Prospective students must fill out the Application for Enrollment, obtain transcripts or high school diploma (or equivalent), and write a 100 to 200 word essay on why they would like to attend the Institute. Each applicant must also take and pass a basic entrance exam. This exam is to determine the student’s ability to successfully be trained to perform the tasks associated with the particular occupation. The Institute does not participate in “Ability-to-Benefit” programs. The Admissions office phone number is (415) 777-2486.
Prior to entry into the program, every student must produce proof that satisfies the following entry requirements:
– Age 18 or older with a high school diploma or GED equivalent (or turning 18 within the year after HS),
– Valid email and mailing addresses, and phone number,
– A full and working knowledge of English.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is our policy to not discriminate on any basis including, but not limited to age, race, color, physical or mental disability, national or ethnic origin, religion, marital or parental status, sexual orientation and/or sex. Faculty should not discriminate on any basis unrelated to academic performance. It is important to balance sensitivity and the right to free opinions.
English Language Proficiency
English proficiency is required to attend the Institute. Therefore, a basic understanding of English is necessary — especially since there are many new technical terms to learn. For those having difficulty, online videos of Certificate classes may be viewed at home. Globe Institute of Recording and Production is not currently approved by the Immigration and Naturalization Service to admit foreign students.
Credit for Previous Education and Training
Students may be given credit for equivalent education or experience. If it is recent enough, sufficiently thorough and relevant, and can be demonstrated as to satisfactory proficiency, appropriate credit may be allowed at the discretion of the school. There is no fee to assess or accept credits from another school, however there is no discount for classes accepted. Because of the nature of our unique curriculum, it is highly recommended that students take the entire program. The institution will accept a maximum of 45 clock hours or 3 units of credit from another institution for the Certificate Program. Equivalency is based on the similarity of course content. If there is a question as to the exact equivalency Globe Institute of Recording and Production will obtain the course outline of instruction. The course outline must include at least 75% of the primary details found in the Institute’s course outline. No credit is given for prior experiential learning. Students may appeal the decision on prior credits with the Director. The Institute has no agreement with another institution for the transfer of credits. The same policy applies for transferring credits from program to program within the Institute.
Course content: Transfer credits will only be accepted if the content of the transfer course is generally equivalent to the corresponding course at the Institute or the transfer course fulfills a general education requirement.
Documentation: Students must submit an official grade transcript and catalog course description and/or syllabus for each course they seek to transfer.
Grade: The student must have earned at least a grade of “C-” in each course evaluated for transfer credit.
Certificate program: Students in the certificate program must take all but 45 hours or 3 credits at Globe Institute of Recording and Production.
Attendance, Leave of Absence
Students must report to their first meeting of their scheduled classes. Prior to the end of the second week of each particular course, a faculty member may initiate a drop if: 1) a student has not attended the first two class meetings (or the first meeting of a course which meets only once per week); and 2) a student has not, by the end of the first week of a particular course, advised the faculty member that his/her absence is temporary. Continued absence from a course for which a student has not been dropped by the instructor may yield an unauthorized withdrawal (“U” grade) which is computed as an “F”. It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop a course. A student may take a Leave of Absence of a maximum of one year. Any longer than that and the student must begin the Program again.
Students are not permitted to miss more than 30% of the semester for a single course, or 30% of all classes in the certificate program. Instructors are recommended to automatically fail a student who has missed more than 30% of a class unless special arrangements are made. Also, unless special arrangements are made ahead of time, students missing more than two consecutive weeks of classes, regardless of total classes missed per class, may be automatically terminated from the Institute. Please note, the Institute does not permit excused absences. Labs and Recording Sessions may not be made up. However, certificate students may make up absences by watching videos of recorded classes and turning in the Pre-Test questions for that class. If a student shows documentation as justification for missing a class, such as a jury duty notice or substantial medical documentation, the student will still be counted as absent but it won’t affect the student’s final grade.
Academic Progress and Dismissal Policies
Students are evaluated on a timely basis through regular assignments and homework. There is a comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester for each class. A student must pass each class to retain good academic standing. A student who fails to maintain good academic standing for a semester will be placed on probation. A student on probation is expected to show the necessary improvement in academic performance by the end of the following semester in order to continue. The Institute offers free tutorial assistance for students who request it. Students may also be dismissed for not following school regulations, drug use, sexual harassment, disruption of classes or violence, or if a student fails to make agreed payments.
Academic Counseling and Career Planning
Globe Institute of Recording and Production provides individual Academic Advisors to all students upon their entrance to the school. Each student is provided with an Academic Advisor who teaches at the Institute and who has professional experience in the recording industry. Academic advisors work with students throughout their entire program of study and counsel students on graduation requirements, academic programs, educational and career goals and the skills necessary to succeed professionally. When meeting with students, advisors have access to the students grades, proficiency test results, and other progress data available to provide personalized counseling toward the students strengths and career objectives. Students are required to meet with their advisor at least once per semester, but it is recommended that students meet with their advisor at least twice per semester.
Timely Response for Online Classes
The institution ensures timeliness of its responses (synchronously or asynchronously) to students’ requests by placing a requirement on response time of no more than 24 hours within the institution’s published operational schedule of the program/course.
Library and Other Learning Resources
Globe Institute of Recording and Production has a library containing a wide range of books in the Industry, educational video tapes, 100’s of back issues of recording magazines, a variety of educational audio CD’s and CD Rom Programs. There are numerous videos of mixes that have been produced with the Virtual Mixer, and videos of most of the classes in the Programs. The Institute also provides unlimited computer access to the Internet. There are also numerous study areas throughout the facility to promote study groups.
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review the catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement.
Career Placement Assistance
The school has an active program to help students acquire jobs. The staff is in contact with hospitals and alternative health centers, particularly in Northern California. We also have an active Internship Program. This is the most common way that students get hired. Placement is not guaranteed.
Student Conduct
Students are expected to behave in a professional manner. Use of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Any student caught using drugs or alcohol or acting in an unruly manner may be expelled from the school.
Certificate programs – 50% attendance; 50% tests and homework assignments.
Record Retention
Globe Institute or Recording and Production maintains current records for a period of, NOT less than, five years. Transcripts are maintained for 50 years.
Student Grievances
Students are to take any grievances to the President. The President will make a full report of the grievance and will attempt to resolve the situation in a way that is agreeable to all parties involved. A copy of the written report will be given to the student and the student will be contacted, if necessary, to see if he or she is satisfied with the outcome.
If the grievance is still not resolved, the President will require a formal written complaint from the student. An ad hoc committee of faculty, staff, and student representation will be formed. The committee will review the written complaint filed by the student and hear a verbal report from all parties involved. The committee will recommend action to resolve the matter. All students are notified that they may bring up any unresolved grievances with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 1747 N. Market Blvd. Suite 225 Sacramento, CA 95834. The toll-free number is (888) 370-7589.
CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICIES for classes at the Institute
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, the institution refunds 100% of the tuition and fees collected. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of classes and the student does not begin classes or withdraws on the first day of classes, the institution retains no more than $100 of the tuition and fees.
Students who have not visited the school facility prior to enrollment have the opportunity to withdraw without penalty within three days following either attendance at a regularly-scheduled orientation or following a tour of the facilities and inspection of the equipment.
You have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund. The Institute shall refund 100 percent of the amount paid for institutional charges, less a reasonable deposit or application fee not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250), if notice of cancellation is made through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later.
Cancellation will occur when the student gives written notice of cancellation to the school at the address specified on the enrollment agreement or . You can do this by mail, hand delivery, or telegram. The written notice of cancellation, if sent by mail, is effective when deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid. The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by this agreement. You may withdraw from a course after instruction has started and receive a pro-rata refund for the unused portion of the tuition and other refundable charges if you have completed 60% or less of the instruction. Refunds will be paid within 45 days of cancellation or withdrawal.
The amount of the refund shall be the amount the student paid for instruction multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of hours of instruction that the student has paid, less a $75.00 registration fee, and the documented cost of any equipment that the Institute provided the student which was not returned in reusable condition within forty-five (45) days after the student’s withdrawal.
Tuition | $1850 | |
Registration Tuition |
$75 | |
Reader/Book Fee | $75 | |
Tuition, plus all fees, all amounts paid for instruction | $2000 | |
Registration fee retained by school | – $75 | |
Total Amount Paid for instruction / less registration cap | $1925 |
REFUND = $1925 X |
Hours not attended, but paid for _________________________________ Total # of hours paid for |
The table below outlines the estimated refund of tuition if you were unable to complete your training program, although it is prorated based on the exact percentage not completed.
10% completed 90% refund
25% completed 75% refund
50% completed 50% refund
Institutions with programs longer than 12 months that financially obligate the student for any period of time beyond 12 months release the student of the obligation to pay beyond the 12 months if the student withdraws during the first 12 months. The calculation of the refund for the unused portion of the first 12 months is based on the calculation above. If the student withdraws during any subsequent period following the first 12 months, the student’s refund for the unused portion of the tuition applicable to the period of withdrawal is prorated as above.
If a student obtains a loan, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the money not paid from financial aid funds.
Refunds are issued through the Business Office when a student withdraws from all classes. The issuance of a refund is not contingent upon notification of withdrawal by the student. Students who officially withdraw from the college should contact the school Director to initiate the issuance of a refund. For students receiving funding from a third party, tuition refunds are first applied toward repayment of third party funding.
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, the institution refunds 100% of the tuition and fees collected. You have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund. The institution, for all students, without penalty or obligation, shall refund 100 percent of the amount paid for institutional charges, less a reasonable deposit or application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100), if the notice of cancellation is made prior to receiving the class materials.
Once a student has enrolled, a student may receive a full refund (minus the registration fee) if the student has not received any of the class materials. Cancellation will occur when the student gives written notice of cancellation to the school at the address specified on the enrollment agreement. You can do this by mail, hand delivery, or email. The written notice of cancellation, if sent by mail, is effective when deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid. The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by this agreement.
The school will also refund money collected for sending to a third party on the student’s behalf, such as a license or application fees. If the school cancels or discontinues a course or educational program, the school will make a full refund or all charges. If a student obtains a loan, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the money not paid from financial aid funds.
Change in the day or time when the class is offered after the student has enrolled in the course – A full refund must be offered to a student who does not consent to a change of day, or any class that is offered on a day when the student is not scheduled to attend the institution, or to a time that is outside the range of time the student is scheduled to attend on the day for which the change in time is proposed.
School closure – The student has a right to a pro rata refund of the unused portion of tuition should the school close before the student completes his or her course of instruction.
A pro rata refund shall be no less than the total amount owed by the student for the portion of the educational program provided subtracted from the amount paid by the student, calculated as follows: (1) The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program (total institutional charge, divided by the number of days or hours in the program), multiplied by the number of days student attended, or was scheduled to attend, prior to withdrawal. All amounts paid by the student in excess of what is owed as calculated shall be refunded.
Refunds are issued through the Business Office when a student withdraws from all classes. Students who officially withdraw from the college should contact the school Director to initiate the issuance of a refund. For students receiving funding from a third party, tuition refunds are first applied toward repayment of third party funding. Refunds will be paid within 45 days of cancellation or withdrawal.
There is no refund for classes that are for Professional Development and Continuing Education classes. These classes are not accredited by the Council on Occupational Education and are not meant to lead to an occupation on their own.
The transferability of credits you earn at Globe Institute of Recording and Production is at the complete discretion of an Institution to which may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the Certificate you earn in Globe Institute of Recording and Production is also at the complete discretion for the Institution to which you seek to transfer. If the credits, Certificate that you earn at this Institution are not accepted at the Institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that Institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this Institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an Institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Globe Institute of Recording and Production to determine if your credits, Certificate will transfer.
“The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident while enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition.
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.”
CLICK HERE to return to the Policies and Procedures Overview
How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start time for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.