Voice Analysis with the VoiceBio System

Product Description

Using the VoiceBio software we do three voice tests looking for the pitches that you speak. We can then see which pitches are weak in your voice, and those that you have too much of. These pitches correlate to organs as shown by Kae Thompson-Liu’s research in hospitals over many years. Based on your voice analysis, the missing frequencies are reintroduced into your system on the sound table. This helps to return your system to a balance of all the notes in the octave — a healthy state as shown in research for Alfred Tomatis. 

Your  voice is a holographic picture of your health.  Through the technology the independent frequencies within your voice can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function in your body.

Good for any specific issues related to organs or diseases. Helpful for emotional issues as well. Good overall balancing of your system. We have many testimonials demonstrating these healing responses.

This treatment was developed by Kae Thompson-Liu and is popular among naturopaths and physicians. The voice is representative of all of the frequencies in the body. The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music, and the computerized program uses the chromatic scale to recognize the harmonics over or under fueled in your system. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop and the voice bio can help repattern before severe symptoms develop. Interventions as simple as toning your “missing notes” can change the projected outcome. Check out www.VoiceAnalysisHarmony.com for more information.  You can also buy the full software so you can do assessments on others.  It is $888.

The system does not claim to diagnose or cure.

Assessment at the Institute
– Assessment and 20 minutes on the sound table with a song in the key of the frequency you need. You also get to take home the CD or get a download. Approximately 1 hour total.

Online Assessment
$85 – Assessment and CD download.  We do the same Voice Analysis over the phone or on Zoom. CD or download with your missing frequencies. Physical CD $20 (U.S.), $45 (Out of Country).
Approximately 1/2 hour total.


To Schedule an Appointment
Call David at (415) 777-2HUM (2486) or email


Additional Information


Assessment at the Institute, CD and 20 minutes on the Sound Table at the Institute, Online Assessment and CD Download, Online Assessment and Physical CD U.S., Online Assessment and Physical CD International


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Voice Analysis with the VoiceBio System


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