“Sound has the power to re-pattern and balance the vibration of your body, mind, and soul.”
These sessions are uniquely designed for each person to address whatever issues you’re wanting to address in your life, including health, relationship and money issues. They also help to raise your vibration which will assist you in replacing old patterns with the awareness of choosing new direction and possibilities for your life. Using time honored skills based the tradition of psychology, coupled with the field of Sound Healing and powerful energy techniques, Diane will help you release any patterns and emotions that may be troubling you, and allow you to reconnect to your deeper nature where you can connect more to your own inner guidance.
This work will allow you to replace old patterns with awareness of new possibilities for making changes in any area of your life with more ease and confidence.
Some of the sound healing techniques used to balance the body include:
· Sound Table- Healing frequencies fill your body as you relax on a special sound table equipped with low frequency transducers. The bass of the song vibrates your whole body.
· Soul Song and toning
· Crystal bowls – for balancing and bringing in healing vibrations
· Tuning forks – which utilize the meridian systems in acupuncture, providing an ability to nourish and balance the body
Diane Hough, M.A., M.F.T.

Diane is a licensed Marriage Family therapist who uses a unique blend of sound healing, counseling and coaching. Diane has worked with many different practices and with some of the world’s most highly respected and sought after teachers. She has taught Sound Healing at the Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco. She incorporates the best of all the tools and practices she has learned in over 16 years in private practice. She has recently produced 4 new Guided Meditation CD’s infused with the Sound Healing music of David Gibson. She is committed to assisting others in becoming more present to the true joy and peace that resides within us all. Visit her website at www.counseling-coaching.com
What to expect in a Transformational Soul Counseling session in person
A unique treatment with a trained Psychotherapist that combines counseling, spirituality and sound therapy to address specific issues, or life experiences. Beginning with 15 minutes on the sound table to get you into a peaceful and receptive state, we will then begin clarifying and bringing a deeper understanding of what you’d like to work on. This work is especially effective for any emotional issues, stress, or physical pain you may be experiencing.
We may utilize many tools depending on your interests. These may include sound table, crystal bowls, tuning forks, guided imagery, shamanic journeying, soul movement or soul song. The sound healing session will be unique to your individual needs, and may include expressive or receptive sound healing, or both.
Sessions At the Institute in San Francisco (or San Raphael or West Marin)
$135 for 1.5 hour treatment
$108 for 1 hour treatment
Both treatments include a free Guided Meditation CD for the 1st visit.
You can pay after the session.
If you would like to pay in advance use the Paypal button
What to expect in a Transformational Soul Counseling session via the phone or skype
Phone or skype sessions can be just as transformative as an in person session. First we will find out what you are really wanting to shift in your life whether it’s physical, emotional, or around the issues of relationships, health, or money.
Some of the Sound Healing work can include: using we can do over skype or phone sessions include: using, toning, mantras, using sound as a gateway into becoming deeply present, using the six healing sounds to send healing and to balance the organs in your body, finding your own soul song for self-healing, and bija mantras for balancing the chakras.
Online Session
$90 for 1 hour treatment, including free Guided Meditation CD download for your first session.
To pay in advance use the Paypal button
To Schedule an Appointment
Call Diane at (415) 488-9082
or email
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