Archetypal Frequencies


Many of the low frequencies you won’t be able to hear on computer speakers.
You will need earbuds, headphones or good speakers with bass.


15000 Hz

Most people over 40 can’t hear this high anymore.

10000 Hz

7th Chakra (Crown): 5000 – 20,000 Hertz

5000 Hz

Treble control on a stereo: 5000 – 8000 Hertz; 7th Chakra (Crown): 5000 – 20,000 Hertz

3000 Hz

6th Chakra (Third Eye): 800 – 5000 Hertz

1000 Hz

Test Tone radio and tv put out when they go off the air, 6th Chakra (Third Eye): 800 – 5000 Hertz

852 Hz

Solfeggio Frequency LA – Returning to Spiritual Order

741 Hz

Solfeggio Frequency SOL – Awakening Intuition

639 Hz

Solfeggio Frequency FA – Connecting/Relationships

528 Hz

Solfeggio Frequency MI – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) and Frequency of the Heart (Leonard Horowitz)

432 Hz

Creates a beautiful cymatic pattern; What they tuned to in Ancient Egypt; Average frequency of baby cry just out of the womb; Relates to the radius of the Sun; Many other auspicious relations to sacred sites.

417 Hz

Solfeggio Frequency RE – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

396 Hz

Solfeggio Frequency UT – Liberating Guilt and Fear

250 Hz

Average Voice (Common to everyone across all cultures); Main resonant frequency of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid

200 Hz

3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus): 150 – 250 Hertz

194.18 Hz

Based on the Earth day — Spin of the Earth

136.102 Hz

The “OM” Frequency – Based on a mathematical calculation of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Many tuning forks and gongs are tuned to this “earth” frequency.

111 Hz

Good frequency for Cell rejuvenation (Bob Beck); Many other auspicious relations to sacred sites.

50 Hz

Main Harmonic of kitty cat purr. Hummingbird average wing flap speed.

45 Hz

Resonant frequency of bones (Proven to regenerate bones)

40 Hz

Gamma; Root Chakra: 20 – 60 Hertz

25 Hz

Cat Purr, Lowest frequency that most people can hear; Stimulates mitochondria growth. 25 hertz is too low for most speakers.

14 Hz

Beta Brainwaves: 12 – 20 Hertz.  Frequencies below 20 hertz are rhythms.  This rhythm is created with two low frequencies that you can’t hear on computer speakers.

10 Hz

Alpha Brainwaves (Relaxed Attention): 8 – 12 Hertz.  Frequencies below 20 hertz are rhythms.  This rhythm is created with two low frequencies that you can’t hear on computer speakers.

7.83 Hz

Average Schumann Resonance of the earth’s atmosphere between the earth and ionosphere (electromagnetic, not sound).  Frequencies below 20 hertz are rhythms.  This rhythm is created with two low frequencies that you can’t hear on computer speakers.

6 Hz

Theta Brainwaves (Dream State, Creative Downloads, Subconscious Mind, Portal to Oneness): 4 – 8 Hertz.  Frequencies below 20 hertz are rhythms.  This rhythm is created with two low frequencies that you can’t hear on computer speakers.

2 Hz

Delta Brainwaves (Deep Sleep):   .5 – 4 Hertz.  Frequencies below 20 hertz are rhythms.  This rhythm is created with two low frequencies that you can’t hear on computer speakers.

1.45 Hz

Ultra Healing Frequency emitted by many sacred sites.  Also activates the pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal glands.  Frequencies below 20 hertz are rhythms.  This rhythm is created with two low frequencies that you can’t hear on computer speakers.

.1 Hz

Brainwaves when in Heart Coherence (Heartmath research).  Frequencies below 20 hertz are rhythms.  This rhythm is created with two low frequencies that you can’t hear on computer speakers.

White Noise

Similar to a small stream or small waterfall

Pink Noise

More bass and treble — Similar to large river or waterfall