Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program
Changing Yourself, Others and the World with Sound and Vibration
Online and In-Person in Sausalito (Just North of San Francisco)
CLICK HERE to view our full Catalog in PDF format on the web (can take a bit of time to load) or scroll down for all the info.CLICK HERE to download a copy of our full Catalog in PDF format.
How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start times and detailed schedule for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
Table of Contents / Quick Links
Program Overview
Next Start Times
Three Main Goals of the Program
Free Videos of Actual Classes
What is Sound Healing?
Why Study Here
Skills & Techniques Learned
Completion Requirements
Class Size, Schedule and Tuition
Detailed Schedules – Both Online and In-Person in Sausalito
Overview of the Five Courses in the Program
Details of Individual Classes within a Course
Policies and Procedures
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Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate
The Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate below is a Pre-requisite.

Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Overview

The Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program is designed to help you obtain the knowledge and skills to work in the field as a Sound Healer, Sound Therapist or Sound Bath performer. We offer the program in-person at the Institute in Sausalito (1/2 online), or you can do the entire program Online.
The Program covers the full range of how sound affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. With 12 instructors you get a full perspective on the field. You will learn the detailed science behind sound, and you will learn many esoteric techniques from ancient times that still can’t be explained.
Students receive a variety of perspectives on the use of Sound from a wide variety of Instructors. We also strive to stay on top of new developments and research in the field in order to provide students with the known science available in the field.
You will learn a large amount of information on how the Body, Nature and Universe work from a frequency perspective. You will learn how to express your voice with sound and song, and use it for healing and well-being.
You will also understand how the full range of sound healing instruments work for healing different issues including Tuning Forks, Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, and Drums. You will also come to know how various technologies can be incorporated into sessions.
There are no equipment or supplies that must be purchased. There are 100’s of instruments and technologies that may be used in for Sound Healing. Because different people resonate with different instruments we don’t require any specific instruments. As you go through the program and learn more about the full range of instruments and technologies available, you can better choose those that you love. Some students only do voice. We have over 300 instruments and technologies that we sell in our store and all students get 10% off for life.
You will also understand how to use color, light, geometry, and intention in a session – It is all Vibration.
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SH100 – Sound Healing and Therapy Overview
SH110 – Inner Awareness and Transformation Through Sound
SH120 – Instruments, Treatments and Music
SH130 – Voice, Toning, Chant and Mantra
SH140 – Sound and Consciousness
Three Main Goals of the Program

1. Understand the Universe based on Vibration
Everything is vibration. When you understand how it all works you can better work with the laws of nature. It also is important to entrain the mind into the natural patterns of Universe, so we can keep it out of trouble. When in alignment with those natural patterns we can use it to lead us back to nature and Spirit’s way.
2. Get High and Still – Over and Over
Sound and Music are incredibly effect at bringing us into a place of peace and stillness. There are many classes where you get to experience the profound effects of sound, music and intention. When at peace, you are more healthy, your mind works better, you are more emotionally stable, and you have more access to higher energies and Spirit. The more this becomes the norm, the more powerful you are when you work on others, or yourself. And, you learn how to help others access these states.
3. Learn Techniques and Skills to Work in the Field
We are a Vocational School so we are required to place at least 70% of our students. We not only teach many skills for making this a career, we practice them. At the Institute you also get to use all of instruments that we have in our store.
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Free Videos of Actual Classes

These are classes within the Overview Course of the Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program with David Gibson. Even though these are online classes, they are good examples of how the classes are at the Institute also. David is only one of 12 instructors. Each instructor has his or her own unique style.
This is the first class of the semester on Resonance with David. It includes information on the physics of sound and ends with the frequency of God or Source (all frequencies in the Universe). This class is a little more technical. Many of the classes are more experiential.
CLICK HERE to watch online. Class is 2 hours. Enjoy.
Here is another class on the Sound of Chakras.
CLICK HERE to watch online. This class is 2 hours. Enjoy.
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How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start times and detailed schedule for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
What is Sound Healing

Sound Healing, through various techniques and technologies, is the educated and conscious use of the energy of sound to reach identified goals and promote wellness in the human system – including the expansion of consciousness. Sound Healing is founded on the premise that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. LEARN MORE
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Why Study Here

1. We are the only State Approved College for Sound Healing in the United States. There are many advantages and protections for students as a real College. Many State run Institutions (including hospitals) require a Certificate from a real College to be able to work. Courses are also more like to transfer.
2. We teach how to do sound healing instead of just learning about it. You actually practice it (even online).
3. Our program is very cohesive — not just a bunch of different seminars.
4. Students that have gone to other Programs say ours is the best.
5. We are the leaders in research in the field. We have a non-profit Sound Healing Research Foundation that is researching all the frequencies within the human system. We are also working with centers for Dementia, Autism and PTSD that are using our array of sound treatments. We have also developed treatment protocols for depression, anxiety, anger, grief and ADD/ADHD and will be doing more research in each area. At the Institute some students may intern in these centers or in the Research Foundation. We have also developed relationships with hospitals and therapy centers where students may also intern if they like.
6. We are working to bring Sound Healing into elementary and high schools. We have created a curriculum for kids from 3 months to 18 years. We have set up the Sound Education Association with over 100 educators and administrators to bring the curriculum into public and private schools around the world..
7. The Director and Lead Instructor, David Gibson wrote the #1 selling book in the field, “The Complete Guide to Sound Healing.”
8. You will find and get to know your Home Note (and learn how to find it in others), your voice note, the frequency of love for you, the frequency of each of your chakras, and what notes are missing in your voice. You will also receive many sound healing treatments from your classmates.
9. We have developed an active community of sound healing events… a good place to network and connect.
10. At the Institute we have an entire store full of sound healing instruments that the students get to play with. You can get to know the tools that resonate best with you.
11. At the Institute, the classroom is not your normal classroom. It is a beautiful sacred space with high end scalar wave devices to help hold a stable and high vibration. It is very conducive to doing sound healing sessions — Students are able to go really deep.
12. At the Institute we have some really cool and fun technologies. Students can come in and go on the Sound Lounge or Tables and be vibrated into bliss whenever they like.
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Thanks for making the best school ever!
Globe Institute has been a culmination of not only this life’s journey, but has awakened my soul to the sum destiny of my every lifetime. Every interaction, lesson, student and teacher at the school was multi-layered with a harmonic amalgamation that has resonated my inner-being to action!
– Jenny
CLICK HERE to checkout more feedback from our graduates
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How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start times and detailed schedule for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
Skills, Techniques and Learning Objectives

There are four main areas of our system where sound and music have been proven to be effective: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Of course, often these overlap – for example, emotional healing might cause physical symptoms to go away.
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Students will be qualified to:
• Work as a Sound Healer, Sound Therapist, Sound Practitioner, Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Health Practitioner, Musician, or Singer in the field.
• Design a sound healing session for yourself and for others based on an assessment and desired outcomes.
• Perform a sound healing session on a person based on the issues the person is experiencing.
• Perform a sound healing session for a group of people.
You may setup your own practice or work within an established institution such as Integrative Therapy Centers or Complementary Medicine in Hospitals, Alternative Healing Centers, Chiropractic or Acupuncture Offices, Private Healing Centers, Drug Rehab Centers, Physical Therapy Offices, Health Spas, Yoga Centers, or Retreat Centers.
All graduates may immediately start working in our ONLINE Sound Treatment Center upon successful completion of the Sound Healing Certificate Program – www.SoundTreatmentCenter.com If local, graduates may also work in our in-person treatment center in Sausalito – www.SoundTherapyCenter.com
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The Faculty are esteemed scholars, researchers and masters in the field.
CLICK HERE to see full bios and testimonials.
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Completion Requirements
To get the Certificate at the Institute or Online you must complete 186 Hours. You must also complete each of the 5 courses within the Program with a “C” average. There is a 2-page research paper required and a final exam at the end of the semester. Attendance must be at 90% or better and no outstanding fees.
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Class Size, Schedule and Tuition
Class Size
Classes are limited to 25 people, so classes are small enough to receive personal attention and address specific questions and concerns of each student.
Fall and Winter Schedule
These semesters begin January and September.
Currently the classes are half at the Institute in-person and half online. The classes at the Institute are 3.5 months. The online portion takes 6 months and must be completed within 9 months.
The online classes are more lecture where the classes at the Institute are more experiential and practice.
The classes at the Institute are mostly Monday and Wednesday nights 6:30-9:30 PM, with an occasional Tuesday and one weekend.
The Online portion of the classes are some Tuesday and Thursdays 6-8PM and some Saturdays 10A-1Pm Pacific Time.
You normally only have 2 or 3 classes per week total. Occasionally you will have a week with 4 or 5 classes in a week.
The Fall schedule at the Institute begins the first week of September and goes to the middle of December.
The Winter schedule begins around January 17th and goes to about the first of May.
You can start the online portion of the classes at any time.
Summer Intensive
(Same program and number of hours)
10 days in June. 10-9:30 each day (with ample breaks). You go into the zone and go deeper and deeper. It’s a very powerful immersive workshop.
The Intensive in June is 1/2 of the full Certificate Program. The rest is done online over 6 months and must be completed with 9 month. You can start the online portion at any time.
The whole Certificate Program at the Institute is $2600.
CLICK HERE for more info on tuition and payment plans.
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Class Size
Classes are limited to 40 students.
Classes on-going enrollment so they start about every two weeks. The full course is 6 months and must be finished within 9 months.
You can join the classes live online or watch videos of the classes — or any combination.
Online classes some Tuesday and Thursdays 6-8PM and some Saturdays 10A-1Pm Pacific Time.
The whole Online Certificate Program is $2000.
CLICK HERE for more info on tuition and payment plans.
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How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start times and detailed schedule for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
Overview of the Five Courses in the Program

There are 5 Courses within the Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program:
The Overview course gives you an understanding of the basic structure of sound and the instruments used. LEARN MORE
The Inner Awareness and Transformation course is about using sound as tool for your own inner work. LEARN MORE
The Inner Music course is about seeing Music as the structure of the nature and the Universe. LEARN MORE
The Voice, Toning, Chant & Mantra course focuses on how to use the voice for making a full range of sounds. LEARN MORE
The Sound Consciousness and Spirituality course gives you a deeper understanding of how healing occurs and what higher consciousness is and how to access it with sound. LEARN MORE
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Below are short synopses of each course.
Click on “MORE DETAILS” at the end of each course synopsis to get to the detailed course and class descriptions
Or CLICK HERE to go there now.
51 Hours
Sound Healing and Therapy Overview
Sound Healing and Therapy Overview
14 Classes
This Course covers the full perspective of everything going on in the field of Sound Healing and Sound Therapy. It gives you a good overview of the basic structure of sound and how it can be used for meditation, relaxation, learning, productivity, healing and raising consciousness. We also look at the history and ethics of music and sound healing.
We begin with the basic concepts of Sound Healing including the Law of Resonance, Entrainment, the Harmonic Structure of Sound, the effect of different Volumes on people, and the powerful effects of Phase Cancellation on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Steven Halpern brings his years of experience and information gathering to the class. He covers the history of music in the field, the research he did and how entrainment works.
We also discuss how Voice Analysis systems work and we perform Voice Analyses on each of the students.
We look at the importance of tuning systems based on nature. And, we go through all of the archetypal healing frequencies that have been used since the beginning of time — from 1 – 400,000 Hertz.
We discuss binaural beats and how they entrain the brain into different brainwave states (gamma, alpha, theta, delta and subdelta), and synchronize the left and right brain.
We then look at all of the techniques for releasing stuck emotions with sound. These techniques are extremely important, because many say that 50% of disease is as a result of stuck emotions.
We discuss how nature sounds heal and we listen to the secret world that you find when you slow them down electronically. Nature is the most amazing sound healer of all.
For those taking the full Certificate Program, this class is like “homeroom” for all of the other classes.
Instructors: David Gibson, Steven Halpern
Student Comments on David’s Classes
– Concise and organized. Heart open and wise. Very quickly made me feel comfortable. I could be at my level and be myself. I love his passion to spread love and light and sound healing worldwide. He is a very engaging teacher and a lot of fun as a teacher. It was never boring. David had a sense of humor, was flexible and could go with the flow and change things if necessary. He also made the subject very interesting with certain creative methods. Very good at keeping focus. Presents in a way that makes it easy and accessible.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on David’s Classes
CLICK HERE for David’s Bio
Student Comments on Steven’s Class
– Really liked the class. Gave us the logistical business attitude of what we need to be aware of. Created shortcuts to difficulties that could we could come across.
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CLICK HERE for Steven Halpern’s Bio
Here’s a Video Overview of this Course:
The Sound of Love
2 classes
A truly transformative workshop designed to open your heart. You will learn sound techniques for connecting with people from a heart center, creating more intimacy in relationships, and connecting to spiritual love.
In this unique 2-day workshop you will use sound to open up and access deeper levels of connecting through love. This workshop will open your heart to others and spirit (love from above or within). When you reside in your heart with one another a resonant field is setup that not only transforms your every communication, but also adds to a planetary resonant field that affects the entire planet.
Instructor: David Gibson
CLICK HERE for Student Comments on David’s Classes
CLICK HERE for David’s Bio
Sound Healing Marketing
1 class
The course helps students to learn all the necessary skills to successfully run a Sound Healing practice. It covers over 100 detailed techniques on how to get your business up and running with very little money, how to attract clients and how to retain them — and doing it with integrity. We also explain how to add Sound Healing to expand an existing practice.
Instructor: Terry Silberstein
30 Hours
Inner Awareness and Transformation through Sound
Voice Healing and Boundaries
5 classes
This class explains a detailed process for using the voice for healing on another person. First, you learn how to assess the body with your voice to find any issues. You then use your voice to breakup or harmonize any issues.
The class also covers a detailed way of understanding energetic boundaries between you and the person you are working on. This understanding and awareness makes it so you don’t invade the client’s space and so you are protected from taking on their energy or problems.
Instructors: David Gibson, Lisa Rafel
CLICK HERE for Student Comments on David’s Classes
CLICK HERE for David’s Bio
Student Comments of Lisa’s Classes
– Love her intuitive clarity and integrity in the work. She has a keen ability to see through people’s veils and auric fields to get to the heart of the matter. Her lessons on boundaries were incredible. Very powerful and direct and timeless. Comes from a really deep place of wisdom. The class that transformed me the most.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Lisa’s Classes
CLICK HERE for Lisa Rafel’s Bio
Here’s a Video Overview of this Course:
Lisa Doing Sound
Video Overview of Lisa’s Classes
Voice and Body Awareness
3 classes
The use of sound as a personal tool for your own creative development. An exploration of your sound landscape and consciousness. Techniques to access a deeper awareness of your own inner sound world. Students express themselves sonically by exploring the relationship of sound to thought forms, feelings, and emotions. How to use your voice to heal and raise consciousness – your own and others.
Instructor: Vickie Dodd
Student Comments on Vickie’s Classes
– Vickie Dodd is a veteran sound healer who really lets you know that all you really need is your voice and to be tapped into the cosmos with your childlike mind to be guided by the universe to the higher healing for all concerned. She is so wise — a conduit for everything. Vickie is so humble and her humming approach is so simple and so powerful at the same time. Her energy brings me so much serenity and feeling of calmness. This woman helped me to make sense of things within my being that I did not even knew existed.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Vickie’s Classes
CLICK HERE for Vickie Dodd’s Bio
Here’s a Video Overview of Vickie’s Course:
Inner Awareness
1 class online; 5 classes (over 3 days) at the Institute
This is an opportunity to experience subtle fields of energy through remembering who we are and our profound connection to our true essence. We all have a different vibrational frequency and when we listen to the sound of our light, we illuminate the path of consciousness, process our shadow, and elevate the activation of life-force, which expands our consciousness. We will be accessing different frequencies in the body and activating transformation at the cellular level. This unlocks our internal wisdom that is stored deep in our DNA.
You will learn how to cope with stress disrupting your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. You will gain insights and tools to release emotionally disturbing thoughts that contribute to mental and physical distress including anxiety, emotional pain, stuck emotions, fear, sadness, and perceptions of physical pain, among other feelings and emotions.
You will master ways to utilize your authentic voice as a ‘Sacred Laser’ in order to transform and heal old patterns. By learning how to regulate your emotions utilizing Sound Healing techniques, you will become more aware and heart centered in dealing with personal relationships and life events. Implementing these techniques in your day-to-day life aids in generating appreciation, emanating increased vibration of love, equanimity and wisdom.
Embracing the light within, shifting and evolving, we can all contribute to the light on our planet.
Instructor: Silvina Vergara
Student Comments on Silvina’s Classes
– This class was beyond my wildest dreams. I learned many tools to help my process. It was one of the most expansive classes I’ve ever taken. She is a true healer who is very in tune with the Divine, Source, Intergalactic beings, and Spirit within all things. She is pure magic. Her capacity to hold space for all persons in her classes while being able to specifically address each one of us is truly sensational and makes each class personal and transformative exceeding expectations. Her talents for guiding meditations and creating spaces that allow for deep journeying and healing work on ourselves translates into how to be able to hold such deep transformative spaces for others. SO blessed to have had her as an instructor. She is angel!
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Silvina’s Classes
CLICK HERE for Silvina Vergara’s Bio
Silvina Doing Sound
Video Overview of Silvina’s Course
30 Hours
Instruments, Treatments and Music
Inner Music Theory
5 Classes
This class covers the fundamentals of music theory with an emphasis on how each aspect affects human beings on all levels. The course uses creative techniques to help students acquire a deeper understanding of the nuances of intervals and musical composition. The course uses the harmonic structure as the basis for the exploration of the underlying meaning of musical intervals.
A musical interval is the relationship of any two things in the Universe — whether two plants, two planets, two crystals or two Souls, for example. Understanding of musical intervals is helpful for putting together a set of crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls or tuning forks. It is also helpful to for when playing any simple melodic instrument.
With a basic grounding in the terminology and mechanics of music we will explore how to apply emerging knowledge and ideas in Psychoacoustics to actual pieces of music and live healing sessions.
- Harmonic Series and Intervals
- Rhythm and Groove
- Tuning Systems
- Toning, Seed Syllables, Mantra
- Sacred Geometry
- Live flow of a healing session
- Resonance of relationship
This course will provide some fundamentals of concepts in music, the association of these concepts to developing healing music and a safe place to explore the various modalities of psychoacoustics through active listening and creative projects.
Additionally, this course will emphasize the development of the student’s abilities of discernment around the inner experience of sound. This ability is key to understanding the nature of the effects of different modalities of healing and styles of music. It also provides the foundation for a truly meaningful exchange between the healer and the client- the very basis for that conversation is an ability to understand how these tools affect us- how sound and music affect our consciousness and our bodies.
Instructor: Gerald Savage
Student Comments on Gerald’s Classes
– Gerald was super clear and, although he knows a lot about the subject, he adapted the way he explained things to the level of the students. Gerald has mastered the art of presenting music theory to brains that have never encountered it before. I absolutely love Gerald with his great energy and soothing low tone voice. I thought this class/curriculum was incredibly important and valuable. It’s a sound healer’s “fundamental.” 😉 It provided me with a foundation on music theory and how it’s applied. This was one of the critical components I was missing in my understanding of sound healing. Through this course I was able to learn so much about music, especially its vocabulary and application. I could not have asked for a more brilliant teacher either. For the first time in my life, music makes sense.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Gerald’s Classes
CLICK HERE for Gerald Savage’s Bio
Here’s a Video Overview of the Course with Gerald:
Sound Healing Instruments and Treatments
5 Classes
We cover how to play a wide range of common Sound Healing instruments including crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, chimes and other melodic instruments. We cover how to design a Sound Healing treatment for a wide range of physical, mental and emotional issues. Students also learn how to design a Sound Bath Concert. Students perform Sound Healing treatments and a Sound Bath.
Instructor: David Gibson Randy Masters, Don Estes
CLICK HERE for Student Comments on David’s Classes
CLICK HERE for David’s Bio
CLICK HERE for Student Comments on Randy Masters
CLICK HERE for Randy’s Bio
Student Comments on Don Estes’ Classes
He has gone down more rabbit holes and tied them all together better than anyone I know.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Don Estes
CLICK HERE for Don Estes’ Bio
45 Hours
Voice, Toning, Chant and Mantra
6 classes
This 6 class series begins with 3 sessions focused on vocal technique and nervous system regulation. We learn and practice highly effective techniques for our voice and our nervous systems through breath, toning, sensate awareness, range, musicianship, and methods for optimizing our overall health and wellbeing. We learn healthy and highly effective vocal production and an introduction to human physiology, posture, breathing, resonance, articulation, and vowel production, the physics of sound, and basics of acoustics and resonance as applied to the student’s own body and voice. The course will cover basic elements of vocal technique, including analysis of individual problems and corrective solutions. The student will work on specific skills using an array of exercises and then apply these skills to one piece of repertoire that will be practiced each week. The skills covered in this class can be applied to all styles of singing and support vocal longevity, flexibility, and health.
In the following 3 sessions we deepen into vocal explorations based in our purpose. We further develop our voices through highly effective and enjoyable warm ups and practices, learn mantra with reverence to cultural and historical context, explore finding our authentic voice, speaking and singing our truth, further develop subtle awareness and listening practices which are vitally important in the healing arts. We also learn animistic folksongs for ancestral healing, and sound healing through the voice.
Instructor: Sonja Drakulich
Student Comments on Sonja’s Classes
– These classes were my favorite. We worked with our physical body, our auric field and further out to our etheric field for healing and to see beyond the third dimension. Once that was finished and we had created space in the body we worked on breathing, a twofold breadth to help the nervous system relax and to a place of our strength, our solar plexus, our sun. To enjoy our voices as our own birthright — a way to give sound to our emotions. To use our voices to heal in the ancient ways, age-old ways that are tried, true and still effective. In this series of classes I felt my lifetime of tension and criticism around singing lift away. Sonja is wonderful in that she seems that she just IS what she teaches.
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CLICK HERE for Sonja Drakulich’s Bio
Sonya Doing Sound
Video Overview of the Course with Sonja
Toning, Chant and Mantra
4 classes
When used with intention, our own voice can be a miraculous healing tool. It is a primordial pathway into our body and soul. In this workshop we will explore how sound vibrates our inner body, heals trauma and connects us to our natural state of health and creativity. With toning techniques, we will experience where sound resonates in the body and how to use that vibration to clear the energy centers, relax the body and release old outdated imprinting. We will learn healing chants from several traditions and feel the commonality and differences of rhythm, pulse and impact. Through improvisation and writing exercises we will discover how to create our own sacred chant. We will also learn how to apply toning, mantra and singing into daily spiritual practice as well as how to use these techniques as part of an overall sound healing session.
Instructor: Suzanne Sterling
Student Comments on Suzanne’s Classes
– We all bonded in her class. Vortex master. Gave really good practical singing practices. She is so to the point and precise with her instruction. She created an amazing container for use to be creative. Such a powerful strong and sensitive energy. bShe taught it what it means to be a wounded healer, and to be of service where we don’t get burnt out. She talked about her social activism and social justice work and how to integrate into our practice. Really good message about manifestation… don’t wait… do it now. My favorite class. Her spirit is strong and wise.
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CLICK HERE for Suzanne Sterling’s Bio
Suzanne Doing Sound
Video Overview of the Course with Suzanne
Toning, Chant and Mantra
3 classes
When used with intention, our own voice can be a miraculous healing tool. It is a primordial pathway into our body and soul. In this workshop we will explore how sound vibrates our inner body. With toning techniques, we will experience where sound resonates and how to use that vibration to massage from the inside out, clearing the chakras, relaxing the body and releasing old outdated imprinting. We will learn chants from several ethnic traditions and feel the commonality and differences of rhythm and pulse. Through Vocal Meditation we will discover how to create our own sacred chant.
Instructor: Lakshmi DelSesto
Student Comments on Lakshmi’s Classes
– Wonderful course. Lakshmi’s knowledge of mantra and chanting was palpable. This was infectious and I really loved singing and chanting mantra along with Lakshmi. I learned so much about all the deities and devotion and intention. I have a newfound love and awe for the Sanskrit language. Lakshmi’s class is one of my favorite Globe classes! I loved it! I really understood the power of chanting mantras, how the words embody the meaning, and how the word is manifest as a sound/vibration. I really felt like Lakshmi created a transcendent space. She is very knowledgeable and respectful of the history behind the ritual of Kirtan. Through taking this course with Lakshmi, I came to start a relationship with my voice in a spiritual way… to connect to it in a deeper way.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Lakshmi’s Classes
CLICK HERE for Lakshmi DelSesto’s Bio
Here’s a Video Overview of the Course with Lakshmi:
Sound, Movement and Voice
2 classes online; 3 classes at the Institute
The Intention of Lis’s course is to remove blockages and encourage the free flow of Divine Light so we can better serve the world we live in.
The medium she uses is the voice and the dancing body. For her entire life, Lis has experienced the benefits of the healing voice and moving body and has designed her program so you can, too. You will experience vocal vibration on a somatic level and learn to use it as a tool to release trauma, devaluation or anxiety. You will learn to use specific movements to move out old patterns that may be holding you back from being all you can be. You will learn to empower your voice and the wisdom it contains.
This experiential course also delves into the physiological and cognitive benefits of vocalizing and how vocal vibration can balance, clear and activate the Chakras. We will explore the healing benefits of Shaking Medicine and how singing and dancing in community generate feelings of social synchrony and unity. We will open a pathway to connect to the natural world and remember when our ancestors sang and danced around a fire! Finally, we will rest and listen to the wise inner voice for secrets to help us create our own mantras.
Specific learning goals:
In-depth study of the Chakras, Vocal Chakra Healing Tones (VoCHeTTM) and their associative Choreography
Introduction of select Body Chants (BoCha!TM) and associative Choreography
Extended vocal production techniques to increase resonance
Exploration of rhythmic patterns to create a trance state
Integration of earth & celestial energies/body & voice
Instructor: Lis Addison
Student Comments on Lis’ Classes
– Love her love of dance and movement, and toning of the chakras.. Bright and energetic and fun and very powerful. Really like her framework… she comes from the wisdom tradition. Within that framework she plays, plays, plays. It’s like a Spring of awakening and the joy. Living example of expanded consciousness. Enjoyed her shamanic work. She held space really well and she is extremely luminous. Lis is one of the most fun and interactive classes I have ever attended.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Lis’ Classes
CLICK HERE for Lis Addison’s Bio
Here’s a Video Overview of the Course with Lis:
30 Hours
Sound and Consciousness
Resonant Connections: Sound, Light, Color, Geometry, Chemistry, Physics, and Consciousness
5 Classes
An exploration of the connections between sound and healing from an esoteric perspective with an eye toward the current scientific research being conducted in this field. The understanding of the interconnectedness of the multidimensional levels of sound, vibration, music and consciousness.
I. Harmonics of Sound
II. Harmonies of Color and Light
III. Harmonics of Form
– Cymatics: Forms and Shapes create by sound. Geometry of Music – Music of Geometry
– How does music convey emotions? Music of the Golden Mean – Music of the Phi Ratio Universe.
– Relationships of Sound and Color. Sounds of our solar system.
– Survey of Ancient Musical Scales. Understanding acoustical foundations of harmony.
– Chakra systems and applied tuning forks.
– World music rhythms and archetypes.
– The relationship of sacred geometry to musical intervals.
– Living in Unity Field Consciousness
Instructor: Randy Masters
Student Comments on Randy’s Classes
– His field radiates out a frequency that is healing and shifts consciousness. He is full of so much info and is so joyous and generous in his sharing of it. Randy knows more about Sound Healing, Color, Light and Geometry than anyone on the planet because he has one of those minds that remembers every single thing he has ever read or studied. He is a total genius. I finally met someone who is a reputable teacher who is creating a better way of living in harmony with nature and tuned into the fact that we are here for a purpose. Cool to watch his brain do what he does. Being in his field was incredible.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Randy’s Classes
CLICK HERE for Randy Master’s Bio
Sacred Geometry – Harmonics of Space
5 Classes
In the ancient mystery schools, the study of the harmonics or proportions of Nature, the human body, architecture and music were considered to be a single subject. The intention of this course is to bring awareness of the proportions of spaces and natural forms to those studying the harmonics of sound, so you can see the harmonics you hear, and to explore how the knowledge of the symbolic meaning of geometrical shapes can support the art of healing with sound.
Geometry is the ultimate basis of harmony;
it guides the growth of the human skeleton and all material forms
• To familiarize those who are studying the harmonics of sound with the parallel subject of the harmonic ratios found in two- and three-dimensional space, via the ancient discipline of symbolic geometry.
• To provide a visual and kinesthetic avenue to understand the laws of natural harmony – to see and touch the harmonic ratios that one hears in music, to create a more multi-sensory understanding of harmonics.
• To stimulate renewed exploration, beyond the limits of this introductory session, into the ancient concept that architectural environments possess vibratory qualities, depending on their proportions, which can affect human consciousness. (“Why does this space feel good?” is a similar question to “Why does this music move me to tears?”)
Instructor: Richard Feather Anderson
Student Comments on Richard’s Classes
– He holds much integrity in what he knows and how he shares it. Nice correlation of cosmic plane and our reality plane. Liked that it opened some doors to other realms. Especially liked the way instructor explained how sacred geometry, sacred music and sacred art tie together to bridge spirit and form. I knew nothing about sacred Geometry and now I can’t help but see it everywhere. I will never look at the world around me the same again. The instructor really excels at helping you understand how geometry underlies the structure of existence. He actually put some of the pieces together so that I knew how it fit into sound healing.
CLICK HERE for More Student Comments on Richard’s Classes
CLICK HERE for Richard Feather Anderson’s Bio
Here’s a Video Overview of the Course with Richard:
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Policies and Procedures
CLICK HERE to view our full Catalog in PDF format on the web (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download a copy of our full Catalog in PDF format.
CLICK HERE to go to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education site that approves our Institute. Their contact info is Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, Department of Consumer Affairs at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 or P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 Web site Address: www.bppe.ca.gov
Phone: (888) 370-7589, (916) 574-8900. FAX: (916) 263-1897
Refund Policy For Classes at the Institute In-person
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, the institution refunds 100% of the tuition and fees collected. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of classes and the student does not begin classes or withdraws on the first day of classes, the institution retains no more than $100 of the tuition and fees.
Once you have done 1 week of classes you may cancel at any time and receive a refund for the percentage of classes not attended. However, cancellation after completing 60% of the course will result in no refund.
The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by this agreement.
Refund for Online Classes
There is no refund after materials have been received. This includes once you have received the link to Edvance, which has links to the videos of all classes, which can be downloaded.
CLICK HERE for lots more details on Refund Policies and General Policies and Procedures.
How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start times and detailed schedule for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.

Sound Healing Certificate Program at the Institute
(Scroll down to see comments on the Summer Intensive, Online classes, and individual Instructors)
I am a 60 year old “Seeker.” Mind you, I have decades of classes, workshops, retreats, etc…under my belt. I say this “humbly” and truthfully…throughout my “learning experience”… learning and experiential time, at Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute has been for me, by far, the richest and most valuable!! Globe’s curriculum and teaching staff are state of the arts/impeccable. Each Instructor is exceptionally well versed in their “given” subject matter. At Globe, a magical alchemical marriage is achieved, whereby students are provided with both “structure” as well as ample room and encouragement to experience the wealth of knowledge. My dollars were well spent here! It has been the best course in a lifetime.
– Gloria
Thanks for making the best school ever!
The Globe Institute has been a culmination of not only this life’s journey, but has awakened my soul to the sum destiny of my every lifetime. Every interaction, lesson, student and teacher at the school was multi-layered with a harmonic amalgamation that has resonated my inner-being to action! I have never felt so good about bringing a skill into the world. As I open clients up to the world of sound, I simultaneously continue my own healing journey. We all reflect each other. The Mayans say: In Lak’ech, or “I am another yourself”. The Globe is the only accredited institution I know that will wholeheartedly pass on this ancient and intuitive knowledge.
– Jenny
Completing the certificate program at Globe Institute has been one of the most transformational experiences of my life! Entering the program from a place of deep depression and feeling lost and insecure about my path — I finished the program feeling reborn into a new being; hopeful, grounded, uplifted, and utterly transformed. These past 3 and a half months have taken me through experiences of true inner knowing as well as supported me to strengthen my field and come to understand true self love and acceptance. I have received healing tools that have opened my heart and mind to understand that we are all made of vibration and so innately affected by sound. The information presented at the institute was so vast and really showed me so many new possibilities on how to approach health and well-being. The teachers were all so unique and inspiring, keeping me excited and engaged in the variety of modalities introduced. The schools inclusion of consciousness studies enhanced the journey through the study of sound healing ten fold, really connecting sound to a much larger and expansive awareness of reality. I feel confident and joyful to step into the world and share the gifts that I was given at globe with a larger community and help to shift the consciousness of the planet! Infinite gratitude for this unforgettable experience — highly recommended to anyone who wants to change the world!
– Rachael
On the surface, I could say that I have learned all sorts of fancy new words, the significance of frequencies, good stories to wrap around some of the stuff I have already been doing. And although all of these things are interesting and appeal to my fact-happy semantic processing system, the most exciting things have been going on underneath the covers.
The most significant learning has had more do to do with unlearning. Willing to open myself up to the void reaching out through my unconscious. It looks more like trust. Being willing to listen to and work with the crazy things I see pulled out of the depths of my subconscious, the crazy dreams, random words that pop up for no reason and to work with them.
Some of the practices, like physically drawing the little circles, chanting various sounds, and just listening the resonances coming into the room from the people and energies around me have opened up gateways that I cannot explain. I have started dreaming and channeling a lot more since I started this class.
I have noticed subtle differences in my energy, people have commented on how my voice sounds different, or I feel younger. Nothing specifically that they are point at but they are there.
There has also been a greater awareness of energy. Like the boundary exercise, where I am starting to make myself aware of my energy field, and the energies around me.
I have also been appreciating a richer experience of the sounds around me. I hear someone talking the other day, and I noticed the tone had a Dorian kind of scale. It was fascinating to me that I have been swimming in soup of sounds that I had never fully appreciated as much.
I have also been noticing the difference in my viewpoint around experiencing things. The distinction between my traditional way of describing something internally or verbally as something that I am looking at, or have chosen to be a part of.
I have also learned that somehow the things in my life have managed to hold together, when I wonder if they are falling apart. Riding these extreme short windows of time to make money and handle all of these little things, and how I can let of a lot without having any major accidents or starving to death, and in fact cultivating a richer experience of what is going on around me.
– George
It was a great opportunity to study at Globe Institute. To be immersed in the study and experience of sound and its healing properties was the ultimate learning experience for me. I appreciated the practical hands on facts and applicable information, but even more enjoyed the amazing heart opening transformation that took place within the students and teachers. As my understanding on sound and healing became clearer I could feel parts of my consciousness actually waking up. Universal truths have a way of doing that! It was certainly a right of passage. I soon recognized I was attending a mystery school. To study with the instructors who were all steeped in a level of mastery and deeply informed in their subject, truly inspired me. The gems of wisdom they offered contributed to my understanding but also to my evolution, and for that I am truly grateful.
– Joan
It is our right as humans to know, understand, and feel these healing vibrations, that can be traced back to the very beginning of time. This course exceeded my expectations, raising my consciousness to the 5th Dimension (literally). I feel as if this information is particularly relevant as we go through this 26,000 year age shift. May you be blessed and awaken to your life’s true purpose. I am so grateful…
– Ajeet
The Globe Institute certificate program provided the most transformative experience of my life. Each instructor added a different perspective on sound, healing, and consciousness, and the dynamic nature of the classes leaves students with a well-rounded knowledge of the field. I healed myself while in the program, so I can now heal others! I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with you and all the healing instructors. I’ve learned so much about myself and others confirming my belief in sacred vibration and its potential to save the world. You are spreading something amazing.
– Hayley
The Sound Healing Certificate Program at Globe is the perfect introduction to the field of sound healing. Not only do you become knowledgeable about what the field looks like, who the key players are, and what the main views the practitioners are prescribing to; but you are given tools to start your own practice. Four months of night classes is perfect for people that are genuinely interested in sound healing and want more than just a weekend course. That being said, its amazing how thorough your understanding becomes over those few months. The teachers at the sound healing center are devoted to furthering the interest in the powerful practice of sound healing.
My time at The Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute offered a transformative experience. The course helped me develop my intuition and reminded me that we are all perfect beings capable of healing others as well as ourselves. I now have the confidence to start my own sound healing practice. I would recommend these courses to anyone that wants to learn about the magic and healing of sound and music.
– Gina
You are at the center of a portal and as a gatekeeper you allowed yourself to receive all forms of expression from travellers of sound who find themselves gathered here. You must then be brave, strong, resilient, humorous, purposeful, above all connected to the love – wisdom of the Universe. You are all of these and more. Thank you for holding this space and traveling with us. You are love and you are loved.
– Molly
I’m deeply grateful for the space that you hold as a healer and teacher. As I work to activate space for myself and people around me to be healed. I feel that I will come back to my experience here at the school to find the home note. All is full of love.
– Yosef
Thank you for creating this awesome program. My life has changed and I am full of love, gratitude, and joy.
– Susan
Summer Intensive Certificate Program at the Institute
For me, the summer intensive program at the Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute was incredibly informational, transformational and a co-creative experiential journey. From myth to science, a creation story unfolded with sound and consciousness. Teachers were wonderful — each sharing their healing practice with students, helping to make sense, heal and unveil abilities. Each day was a new adventure: clearing, releasing, remembering, creating and being. Elated…I am
– Karina
The intensive Sound Healing study at the San Francisco Sound Healing Institute was a wonderful and one of a kind study. There were many different teachers, many of whom were the best in the field. Therefore, we learned many aspects about sound healing from many points of view, and we could eventually develop our own technique from this kind of learning experience. Thank you David for setting this study up and making it available to anyone interested in learning more about the field.
– Barbie
I crashed for a couple of days and am coming back to my life from a new perspective. While the “intensive” combined with the Conference was beyond intense, I feel there was a great value to being totally immersed with time for nothing else that could distract me from this program.
I experienced my mind getting so discombobulated that I just didn’t want to think anymore, I didn’t want to (and couldn’t) speak much. From within this space, I recognized that old patterns that were not serving my highest good were getting vibrated loose and released, leaving me empty, cleansed and open to receive the higher frequencies of sound and light, Divine Love.
In preparation for Channeling Healing, I say “Lord Make Me An Instrument of Your Love”. I now get that from a much more expanded place. I also feel that by stating this, it brought me to the Globe Institute.
I registered for the Sound Healing Certificate Program with a blind trust as I knew my higher guidance led me to this step in my ongoing expansion in Spirit. I read all the class descriptions and they just “sounded” great. I enrolled with the intent that I would free my voice to be an instrument and that I would expand my knowledge and experience of Sound as a Healing Modality for myself and to share with others.
What I experienced and received was far beyond my expectations and ability to even form and expectation.
David, you are a great and loving teacher and you have attracted to you a wonderful compliment of great and loving teachers to move your students to higher and higher octaves of love and light to bring out into the world.
Thank-you for creating this awesome opportunity.
– Marrisha
David Gibson, the founder and director of the Globe Institute is a dedicated and heart-centered educator. I recently completed the Sound Healing and Therapy Summer Intensive Certification Program at Globe Institute, where the quality of the teaching staff and the well thought out curriculum challenged my musical thinking and awakened a new awareness of the interconnectedness of spirit, science and sound. Thank you David for raising my consciousness and my frequency.
– Elle
Online Sound Healing Certificate Program
Taking the online certificate course has been the best gift I have ever given myself. It was so much more than I could of ever imagined and then some. It was like opening a special present 3 times a week wondering what beautiful experience (educationally and personally) I was going to have next! All of the instructors are the best in the field and truly care about “YOU” as a student. This program is truly phenomenal. I highly, highly recommend it for anyone that wants to immerse themselves in the field of sound and healing. I am forever changed and am truly blessed to have the knowledge and the experience to move forward in this amazing field.
– Holly
The Sound and Consciousness Institute Online Sound Healing Certification exceeded all my expectations and was an experience that opened my awareness into the world of sound and all of it’s potential. I was very impressed with the knowledge and content of each instructor. All the classes were very well structured and allowed for a fair amount of interaction with each instructor and other students. We learned many sound healing modalities and practiced each of them with each other until we became confident enough in each style. Having cultivated all the experiences from the course, I feel very well prepared and excited to offer this healing modality to others, while maintaining a professionalism that will be reflected in my confidence that was gained from this course.
– Michael
Consistently, with each class, we engaged in conversations of depth, and were always introduced to new technologies and insights that invited us to go even deeper. I took the Sound Healing Certification Program, not having had previous formal music training, but with a strong desire and clear intention of experiencing the creative aspects of sound. What I found was that the courses are strategically structured to take you from wherever you are, as far as you want to go. The knowledge base of the owner and instructors is vast and industry tested. What moved me most though was the balanced brilliance – the perfect blend of head, heart, and hands.
To say I’m grateful is an understatement, for the fullness of the experience and the sense of connection I share with each of you. As awesome, as it’s been, this is only where we begin!
Gratitude from the depth of me.
Love and Light Always.
– Genie J.
I want to thank David Gibson and the Sound & Consciousness Institute for their excellent sound healing and therapy certificate program. David utilized the latest in Web communications software to make possible live course interaction with both the instructors and students from across the globe, and all from the comfort of my own home. The course selections provided a balanced overview of sound healing modalities as well as the state of the art. David was very generous with his time, knowledge, and experience, eager to answer questions and provide assistance, while making available his extensive database of course videos and documents. I highly recommend this program for those interested in a solid grounding in sound healing and therapy within a quality online instructional format.
-Scott J. Simon, Ph.D.
My name is Zita and I joined the online class from Budapest, Hungary. Being a sound massage practitioner for 2 years and working with Tibetan singing bowls I found it fascinating to get an overview about the field of sound healing, to find out how many different modalities are being practiced successfully around the world. The speakers were great, classes were very interactive so I was motivated to wake up at 2.50 AM, log on at 3 AM for 4 months in a row and actively participate during the classes. Thanks David for bringing sound healing to my living room!
– Zita
Online Sound Healing Certificate Program by Video
The Globe Institute offered me a learning experience that truly changed my life. As a working professional with a busy schedule, it was convenient to download the previously recorded online classes and study at my own pace. David Gibson was always available for questions and discussions, and I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing the material with him in scheduled phone chats. As I look back on the vast array of classes that were offered to me at Globe, I see an abundance of inspiring information taught by passionate and professional instructors. The hearty curriculum is expertly designed; each topic building upon the previous one with fluidity and momentum. My study at the Globe Institute has expanded my horizons to open up new levels of consciousness, perception and intention. My daily practice of sound healing techniques is enabling me to live a life free from anxiety and addiction. The Globe Institute gifted me with the forward energy, the practical tools, and the dedicated support to enter the New Healing Paradigm. Enrolling at the Globe Institute was one of the best decisions I have ever made!
– Elizabeth
When I first began my exploration into sound healing it was very daunting because there are so many ways in which to approach training through various modalities, I had trouble knowing where to begin. The Globe Institute proved to be the perfect starting place for me because it allowed me to “dip my toes” so to speak into multiple of pools of knowledge. I know of no other place where you can learn from such a wonderful variety of teachers and get such a broad perspective of what Sound has to offer, (from the nuts and bolts to the highly esoteric) while still getting very detailed and specific information that I no doubt will use and be able to expand upon in my own practice.
David Gibson has done a wonderful service to the sound community and all who wish to learn the healing aspects of sound and vibration with his school and the educational program that he offers. I highly recommend it! Many Thanks.
– Candice Cheadle
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Instructor Bios and Student Comments

David Gibson
David Gibson is the founder and director of the Globe Sound Healing Institute.
David has written the #1 selling books in both the fields of Audio Recording, “The Art of Mixing,” “The Art of Producing,” and Sound Healing, “The Complete Guide to Sound Healing” (www.CompleteGuidetoSoundHealing.com).
He is also a top selling producer of Sound Healing music (www.SoundHealingCenter.com/store/music/). His music is in many hospitals around the country including Boston General and U.C. Medical Center. He also runs the Sound Therapy Center at the Institute (and online) offering 15 types of sound healing treatments (www.SoundTherapyCenter.com).
David has produced 13 International Sound Healing Conferences. He is also the founder of the Sound Healing Research Foundation (www.SoundHealingResearchFoundation.org) designed to study all of the frequencies, timbres, musical intervals, and musical flows within the body. He has completed a clinical research project on using sound and music to help Parkinson’s patients. The Foundation is researching sound for Pain, Sleep, PTSD, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Dementia, Anxiety, Depression and Grief.
He has now setup the Medical Sound Association (www.MedicalSoundAssociation.com) with over 1000 doctors and Sound Therapists to figure how to cure every disease in the world with sound, music and vibration.
David has also setup the Sound Education Association for children. The Association received a $100,000 grant to develop a sound curriculum for children for two Montessori schools. With the staff of 20 instructors at the Globe Sound Healing Institute, he developed over 2500 exercises for children from 3 months to 18 years old. Every exercise is based on the latest 30 books on brain development for children at different age and learning levels. Five hundred exercises are complete and now being offered for home schooling through the website, www.SoundEducationCenter.com.
David has a unique understanding of how sound and music create deep and lasting effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Having run the largest Sound Healing Institute in the nation for over 20 years (with 25 instructors), and having put on so many Sound Healing Conferences, David has developed a complete perspective of everything going on in the field – particularly how sound affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. David’s education in Physics at the University of California at Berkeley gives him a unique basis for understanding and explaining the way that sound affects us physically.
David currently has 60 Sound Healing CD’s on the market. His music is being used in Integrative Health Departments in hospitals around the country. The CD catalog includes songs for relaxation, sleep, depression, anxiety, enlightenment, opening the heart, connecting to Spirit, mental clarity, sexual energy, overcoming fear, releasing grief, harmonizing emotions and balancing chakras. His CD’s have quantum healing fields and embedded in the music. Most of the CD’s in the catalog incorporate binaural beats to entrain the listener into even deeper states.
David’s technologies, Sound Lounges, Sound Tables, Bass Pods, and Sound Vests are being used by many hospitals and first responders throughout the country. Kaiser Hospital refers patients to the center in San Francisco for pain management and anxiety.
David also runs the Sound Healing Metaphysical store – offering a full range of sound healing instruments and vibrational tools (www.SoundOfLove.com).
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– Most concise and ordered.
– Very heart open and wise.
– Hands-on learning component really works for me so that I can embody the information.
– David gathers everything together, and how to apply it for real. Love the way he speaks on a conscious level.
– Love the way he explains things and the sound sweep for finding a resonant frequency.
– Great learning experience of developing self and being present more.
– Very quickly made me feel comfortable.
– David was always very organized and covered a lot of material throughout the course. I appreciated the knowledge and experience he brought to the students. Great teacher!
– I love his passion to spread love and light and sound healing worldwide. I can tell that David has a sincere desire to do good in the world and provide a educational resource for students who want to learn how to be Sound Healers.
– Allowed students to freely & openly discuss topics and patient with re-explaining subjects. I could be at my level and be myself. The course material was appropriate and important for the field.
– He was knowledgeable and had an excellent way of getting us involved.
– He has very thorough knowledge of the subject. He is a very engaging teacher and enthusiastic about his school and his classes.
– I loved the family feeling and the different meditations he led. The subject matter was interesting. He was a lot of fun as a teacher. The voice bio was interesting as well as other gadgets. Assignments were helpful. It was never boring.
– David had a sense of humor, was flexible and could go with the flow and change things if necessary. He also made the subject very interesting with certain creative methods.
– Very informative. Loved toning to start off. Very organized.
– Enjoyed classes. Consistent. Nice to have him throughout the whole. Love the animal noises.
– David is genius. Can talk, cry and open.
– Very good at keeping focus. Presents in a way that makes it easy and accessible.
– Super high when I got home. Thinking all of these ideas of what I could do. Activated, activated, activated.
– Very organized. Good descriptions of the language you needed to know. Weaving really interesting things that would otherwise be boring. The classes were really fun.
– The nucleus. The essence of David is in every instructor. Opened up to us and was so vulnerable. Loved sound of love. This is your heart space, inner sanctum. The healing and sacred space is amazing. Authenticity, presence and open heart.
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Randy Masters
Randy Masters is a multi-disciplined alchemist, an award winning composer, a professional musician and multi-instrumentalist, a former university music teacher, and the designer of sacred geometry and sound products. He is a wellness facilitator for sound healing, spiritual counseling, Regenesis, and Universal White Time.
As a recording artist and musician, Randy has produced many recordings of his own music with his highly acclaimed fusion group Solar Plexus, and also his Multi-National band as well as having composed for international musicians Cal Tjader, Tito Punte, Charlie Byrd, Laurindo Almeida and Hedzoleh Soundz. Randy has performed on many instruments including piano, keyboards, trumpets, guitar, bass and percussion and is also very fluent in international music styles and has performed with well-known musicians from Ghana, Brazil, Nigeria, The Congo, India, Mexico, Puerto Rico to name a few. Randy was a featured trumpet player on the American Gamelan recording by famous composer Lou Harrison.
Randy taught for 17 years in the California University System with UCSC and SJSU. Currently, and for the last 20 years Randy has been teaching piano and composition at the Community School of Music and Arts, based in Mountain View California, where he is considered a master music teacher.
Randy’s company Resonant Living makes specially tuned wind-chimes, desktop chimes, tuning forks, sacred geometry energy jewelry and other custom designed specialist sound tools and musical CDs.
Randy has studied spirituality and metaphysics for his entire adult life, and started teaching and sharing in the 1970s. He was actively involved with a 30 year study of the Science and Mathematics of the pyramids of Egypt with author/scientist/telepath Wesley Bateman, who authored the books The Rods of Amon. In this work with Wesley Bateman, Randy rediscovered the ancient Egyptian musical tuning system as documented and shown in the measurements of the pyramids. Randy discovered the underlying musical structure behind the Hydrogen spectral emission lines based on this research of the pyramids. Many of Randy’s creative products are a result of these harmonic studies.
Randy’s work with the Music of the Spheres involves deep work with numerical resonances and number codes revealed throughout the Universal Life Field. This work reveals numbers and mathematical ratios, and codes within our creation that are amply observed by microscopes and telescopes within DNA patterns, mineral atomic lattices, and the rotational patterns of the planets. These patterns referenced in famous philosophers’ observations, such as Pythagoras, were brought into quantifiable astrological and geophysical ratios and numbers in Randy’s research. All of these findings reveal an underlying musical structure of the universe, created by The Word (Sound) of The Creator.
Randy also worked with Naturopath and Bible scholar Joseph Puleo (who coauthored Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse). Puleo’s original work and discovery of the so called six original Solfeggio frequencies was furthered by Randy Masters and Judy Cole to become a 162-note matrix harmonic code. This work has been visually demonstrated in the arena of Cymatics – where sound influences and creates shapes within matter. This discovery is being prepared by Randy and Judy for publishing and extensive workshops and has exciting and significant implications and applications for personal and environmental well-being.
Randy and Judy were the first to reveal the greater musical and numerical organization of the entire sacred Solfeggio number code. Randy also discovered the musical harmonic coherence that is revealed in the Egyptian and Mayan Pyramids.
A key to Randy’s mission statement and lifetime work is to reconnect spirituality and science to reveal the creation science and codes of existence that assist in raising the frequency of human consciousness.
Randy has a Bachelor of Arts and Music and Film from University of California, Santa Cruz and a Masters and PhD in Divinity.
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– His field radiates out a frequency that is healing and shifts consciousness. He is full of so much info and is so joyous and generous in his sharing of it.
– Blows my mind. Lots of resources.
– As a teacher, can take a subject that is very dry and difficult and make it really interesting. Puts it together and makes sense and applies it to what you are studying. He triggers my intellect. He makes interested in things that I could never imagine. It was very important. He’s fun and very creative in his field.
– He brings practical application of light and sound into this reality in very precise ways. He brings you into really fine detail that you need to really make sound work effective overall.
– I loved learning about the different protection methods, and so many things that pop up in my day I realize I have learned from Randy. I feel like he was not only teaching us on a 3 dimensional level but also through a quantum level through transmission! – Amazing insights!
– He is a total genius. He loves the material and conveys his excitement to the students.
– I finally met someone who is a reputable teacher who is creating a better way of living in harmony with nature and tuned into the fact that we are here for a purpose, and may be from other planets—neat-o.
– Cool to watch his brain do what he does. Being in his field was incredible.
– True master. His class was awesome – meditations, platonic solids, stones, color. Amazing energy to be around by osmosis.
– Love how you turn a color spectrum into a frequency. He is so giving of his knowledge and wisdom.
– League of his own. Just goes into the vortex. Bounty of information, tuning forks, hathors. Personal wisdom, warmth and heart was incredible. Treasure trove.
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Steven Halpern
Steven Halpern is a Grammy (R) nominated recording artist, internationally acclaimed composer, master musician, producer, researcher, author and pioneering sound healer. His most recent albums, DEEP THETA and DEEP ALPHA, spent over 36 weeks on Billboard’s New Age charts, a historic first for a brainwave entrainment-enhanced album. His music is used worldwide in holistic healing centers, grade schools through college, massage schools and corporate wellness programs.
After being initiated into a non-denominational ‘ministry of healing music” in a sacred redwood grove in November 1969, and inside the Great Pyramid in 1981 Steven was encouraged to document and scientifically validate the observed healing and relaxational effects of his music. Working with Itzhak Bentov, Marcel Vogel and other world-class spiritual scientists, he organized landmark research exploring the subtle energy and physical health connections between sound, higher consciousness and healing with brainwave biofeedback and Kirlian photography
His 1977 book, “Tuning the Human Instrument” introduced many to the field, and his bestselling “SOUND HEALTH” (Harper & Row 1985) brought sound healing to the mainstream public and the holistic health community.
“Keyboard” magazine profiled him in 1995 as one of the top 12 artists “whose work has strongly affected the way we make and market our music.” His debut album, CHAKRA SUITE (formerly SPECTRUM SUITE) was named ‘the most influential New Age/healing album of all time” by industry peers in 1999.
Since 1975, Steven has presented lectures, workshops and concerts at major healing and spiritual conferences, including the World Symposium on Humanity, Parliament of World Religions, The Mind Can do Anything (with healers Olga Worral), multiple music therapy and massage therapy conferences, virtually all major Whole Life/New Life /Conscious Life expos. Her has opened for Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, Swami Satchidananda, Lama Surya Das and the Dalai Lama.
Steven began his career as a jazz-rock trumpet player, guitar player and bass player, performing and/or recording with Paul; Horn, Paul McCandless, Larry Coryell, Babatunde Olatunji, Rick Derringer, Randy Masters, Michael Manring and David Darling.
Steven Halpern’s contributions have been covered in The New York Times, USA Today, and many other mainstream and New Age publications. He was profiled in 1991 on CBS-TV’s “48 HOURS), and transfixed national audiences on NBC’TV’s “the Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder”.
Steven has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology from the University of Buffalo.
He has written over 100 articles that have appeared in leading New Age publications, and a monthly newsletter since 1985. For more information on his latest explorations and insights, visit him at www.StevenHalpern.com
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– Really liked the class. He came from a different perspective and attitude. Gave us the logistical business attitude of what we need to be aware of. Created shortcuts to difficulties that could we could come across.
– He blew open my head as far as electronic vs. organic
– Got me on the track of intention. Nice that he gave us CD’s.
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Suzanne Sterling
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Suzanne Sterling – STUDENT COMMENTS
– We all bonded in her class. It was really good to get to know your body and learn it at the beginning.
– She is very spiritual. Appreciated all the elements of writing, and find your voice. Like the work on personal therapy.
– Created real safe space for us to be creative.
– Super Powerful. Really real and super applicable and practical!!! Vortex master. Gave really good practical singing practices. She is so to the point and precise with her instruction.
– She created an amazing container. She held space so we could go beyond our comfort zone. She created a really safe space to be creative. Took us to the full extent to using your voice. Beautiful balance of information and experiential. Such a powerful strong and sensitive energy.
– My favorite. She is a powerhouse. She taught it what it means to be a wounded healer, and to be of service where we don’t get burnt out. She talked about her social activism and social justice work and how to integrate into our practice.
– Really good message about manifestation… don’t wait… do it now. Got you think about practical applications about what you could do after you leave here — and how to keep evolving as your knowledge grows.
– I loved Suzanne Sterling’s enthusiasm for her work, her talent is just amazing. She is an inspiring artist for change. Through her methods I was inspired to do my own work to find my own voice by looking back to were I lost it and by looking at some of the limiting factors that were keeping me from expressing my vocal truth. I was inspired to come up with a mantra/song for healing and I really has helped me get my voice back.
– I really enjoyed learning about the power of the voice & how important it is to use your words wisely. Learning about how trauma is held in our bodies & how to move it through our bodies & how important that is for our own healing & that of our prospective clients. Suzanne took us through some powerful mantras & their meanings. I enjoyed learning about some of the history behind sound through our ancient cultures. Suzanne also taught us about the 3 resonant chambers of the body which I know I will use for myself & future clients.
– My favorite class. Her spirit is strong and wise.
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Silvina Vergara
Silvina specializes in Sound Healing Therapy, and has passionately dedicated her life to the healing arts as a conscious guide educator, to develop human potential. She has created programs in self-awareness for teenagers and children and has been teaching and facilitating seminars in both North and South America. She has been trained by world renowned Sound Healer and Shaman, Tom Kenyon.
She holds a certification in Sound Healing and has completed training in Sahuka, a synthesis on Egyptian Alchemy, Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism. She is currently studying Buddhist Psychology.
With more than 25 years of experience, she conducts sound healing classes and seminars, utilizing sound, breathing techniques, movement and shamanic work to help facilitate emotional, physical and mental release, which reawakens the body’s innate wisdom and deep sense of awareness. This therefore is creating a profound state of being to access the subtle energy fields of consciousness and transformation.
She also worked as a facilitator for 16 years in Sound Healing for San Francisco General Hospital, in a special program for cancer patients. Other remarkable career achievements are her work as a recording artist and performer featuring the unique qualities of her profound soothing voice whether she’s singing or channeling melodies that flow through her while carrying healing frequencies.
Silvina has an Associates Degree in Sound Healing and Therapy from Globe Institute.
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Silvina Vergara – STUDENT COMMENTS
– The weekend was beyond my wildest dreams. I learned many tools to help my process. Very inspired by what she can do with just a voice a bowl and her intention.
– It was one of the most expansive classes I’ve ever taken. She is a very present, and open person to communicate with. i enjoyed this class.
– The sound healing journeys Silvina took us on were very powerful. I also really liked the last class when we had the heart sharing morning. Very deep and powerful!
– I loved Silvina’s classes. She is a true healer who is very in tune with the Divine, Source, Intergalactic beings, and Spirit within all things. She is pure magic. Her capacity to hold space for all persons in her classes while being able to specifically address each one of us is truly sensational and makes each class personal and transformative exceeding expectations. Her talents for guiding meditations and creating spaces that allow for deep journeying and healing work on ourselves translates into how to be able to hold such deep transformative spaces for others. SO blessed to have had her as an instructor.
– Ahhh…. Silvina is the most enlightened being I have come across. She has the essence of spirituality. She is authentic, humility…. Everything a spiritual person is about. She walks her talk. You can sense in her voice that this is the way she lives. The way she forgets herself. I don’t see how you anybody could be with her and not be healed. She brings cultures and angels together… she really comes from a Soul perspective.
– I was able to see energy inside my bones and spinal fluid. I also saw inside of my heart. I went very very deep, while being very high. Silvina can go into that state.
– She is really committed and has done the practice and has direct contact, and has complete respect for everyone in the class as a pure perfect spirit!!!
– She is true to her spirit. She was very clear that the time of the class was for the students.
– Her energy is of a Sound Healer. Gives 100%, Passionate.
– Loved the use of the bowls, voice & channeling that allowed us all to experience our own journey! – The class was very transformational and inspiring.
– Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. Really caring. Worked with dark and light really well.
– Her class was so good. Loved the safe space that she created.
– Personally clarified and shifted things around in an amazing well. Totally transformative. One hour moved me years ahead of where I was.
– Energetically powerful. Very personable. Loved the Egyptian alchemy with the endocrine system.
– She is angel!
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Sonja Drakulich
Sonja Drakulich is best known as singer, producer, composer and founder of the internationally acclaimed world music ensemble, Stellamara, and as singer and percussionist for the Northern European Medieval-Folk band, Faun. With Stellamara, she has toured throughout the US and Europe and has produced three critically acclaimed CD releases, five star reviews with albums in the top ten of the World Music Charts.
She has developed a unique method of vocal based Somatic Therapy, rooted in Nada Yoga, Attention Dynamics, Ancestral Healing and in the synthesis of optimal techniques practices she has learned throughout the Eastern and Western world.
Sonja began her studies in classical Hindustani and Persian singing, and later continued to expand her voice through Turkish, Greek and Arabic singing. She earned an undergraduate degree at CIIS in Integral Studies and Psychology in San Francisco and a graduate certificate in Sound Engineering in Los Angeles.
Sonja is devoted to her work in helping others find healing and coherence through the instruments of the body and sound. Throughout her studies and her career as producer, performer and teacher, she continues to maintain her focus on the devotional aspect of song, and on intercultural unification through music, healing and consciousness.
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Sonja Drakulich – STUDENT COMMENTS
– I think these classes were among my favorite. Toning and chanting fabulous. I enjoyed the Qi Gong connection too. We worked with our physical body, our auric field and further out to our etheric field for healing and to see beyond the third dimension. Once that was finished and we had created space in the body we worked on breathing, a twofold breadth to help the nervous system relax and to a place of our strength, our solar plexus, our sun. We used the low breathing to connect with the vagus nerve and kept the breath low and wide. We used breathing to connect the front and back of our bodies which was very cool and healing!
– I really got from Sonja the need for a daily practice and intention in this daily practice and intention in our healing sessions. To enjoy our voices as our own birth right a way to give sound to our emotions. To us our voices to heal in the ancient ways, age old ways that are tried, true and still effective like the old cradle songs of the Georgians. Sonja gave us a lot of practical information on how to warm up our voice and our spiritual selves. She gave us a glimpse into the world of ancient songs and mantras used for healing. She suggested we could use the 6 healing sounds of Qui Gong as a daily practice to keep our bodies healthy.
– I’ve never had such a great vocal coach.
– Sonja is wonderful in that she seems that she just IS what she teaches. Very clear on how to feel the vibe of the sound in the body.
– In this series of classes I felt my lifetime of tension and criticism around singing lift away. Sonja gave us clear instruction and exercises to open & relax the throat and allow the voice to flow forth.
– What an amazing voice and a wonderful open hearted personality. Sonja voice and presence really made a difference in connecting with the students. She got every one to engage and gave good feedback. She opened up even the shy people in class and gave them enough space. Her depth of knowledge about the subject is really good.
– Sonja has the voice and the spirit of a healing angel. Ever present with her loving guidance, she finds a way to keep every student connected through sound. Through extensive vocal techniques, hauntingly beautiful traditional European folk songs, chant, mantra and qigong, she carried us on a journey of sound I shall never forget!
– Sonja was an instrument for me to find my voice. Through her instruction and humbleness, Sonja was able to coax me through singing and chanting to start the daily practice of mantras which has changed my life tremendously. I am grateful!
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Richard Feather Anderson
Richard Feather Anderson, B.Sc. Architecture, is an internationally recognized pioneer in the revival of feng shui, geomancy, sacred geometry, and labyrinths. He started one of the first geomancy training programs in America in 1985, and has been designated a feng shui master by Feng Shui Institute International. He was Feng Shui advisor for Esalen Institute’s sustainability plan, and design consultant for Grace Cathedral’s labyrinths in San Francisco, the first permanent replicas of the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth in an American church. He was one of the first people in America to talk about walking labyrinths for spiritual development and to develop techniques to lay them out on the ground – starting way back in the early 1980’s. He conducted the seminal study of the benefits of walking labyrinths at the West Coast Conference of the American Society of Dowsers at UC Santa Cruz from 1986 to 1989.
Richard is on the faculty at the Globe Institute in San Francisco and the Golden Gate Feng Shui School in Oakland. He previously taught in the EcoDwelling program at New College of California, and led sacred geometry tours at Chartres Cathedral in France.
He originally trained and worked as an architect, but then moved on to explore spiritual development through metaphysics, shamanism, Earth Mysteries, and Goddess religions. As a result, he was ordained as a priest in the feminist Faerie Tradition and a minister in a Mystical Christian order.
Introduced to geomantic wisdom in childhood, he continued his studies in Feng Shui with the late Grandmaster Lin Yun, Rinpoche, the lineage holder of Tibetan Tantric Buddhist feng shui largely responsible for bringing feng shui into the mainstream in the western world; in sacred architecture with Dr. Keith Critchlow, Professor Emeritus of the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture, who is regarded as one of the greatest living masters of sacred architecture, sacred geometry, Islamic sacred art and the Platonic-Pythagorean Mystery School teachings; and in Earth Mysteries with the world’s leading experts, especially the researchers of the pre-eminent Dragon Project in the U.K.
Through seminars, feng shui consultations, and building designs, Richard continually creates modern applications for ancient wisdom. He is well-known for generously sharing his knowledge in an experiential way with passion and humor.
Richard has a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from University of Cincinnati.
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Richard Feather Anderson – STUDENT COMMENTS
– He holds much integrity in what he knows and how he shares it.
– Loved his enthusiasm. Liked drawing. Most organized.
– Loved seeing the quality of the relationships, a way of seeing things. Nice correlation of cosmic plane and our reality plane. It was very clear for me. It gave me the experience of the spatial brain.
– Thought it was a wonderful class. Explained many things in a great way. He really knows his material. Had the verbal level and higher understanding.
– Class was totally awesome. Liked that it opened some doors to other realms.
– Tons of information that was not dry. Lot’s of hands-on work. Lots of history of architecture of buildings. He also talked about geomancy, ley lines, and mystery school. Very personable.
– Handouts very well prepared. Especially liked the way instructor explained how sacred geometry, sacred music and sacred art tie together to bridge spirit and form.
– This was the class I was least looking forward to, but in fact it blew my mind. He had such a down to earth approach while talking about these big concepts, ancient philosophy etc. Inspiring! At the same time it was very experiential – I hadn’t expected to get so much out of looking at geometry shapes.
– Richard is such a scholar in the subject of sacred Geometry. I knew nothing about sacred Geometry and now I can’t help but see it everywhere. I will never look at the world around me the same again.
– The instructor really excels at helping you understand how geometry underlies the structure of existence.
– Loved Richard’s excitement and inner child vibrations that he always brought in, at the same time intricate knowledge of sacred geometry and really making the class fun and engaging. Everybody loves seeing beauty, and my oh my those sacred mandalic patterns are just so gorgeous. On top of that, deciphering the symbolism and meaning for each basic geometric shape was so cool and Richard’s energy with it made it that much more pleasant.
– Amazing. He actually put some of the pieces together so that I knew how it fit into sound healing.
– Sacred Geometry is very new to me. I ask myself how did I not know about this? We need to create a school that begins in Pre-K introducing these materials m this information. We have an obligation ta responsibility to return and remember who we truly are.
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Lis Addison
Lis is an internationally acclaimed composer, vocalist, dancer and teacher. She has produced fifteen solo albums, soundtracks for film and dance and is the creator of Kinetic Voice (KiVo), a vocal and dance practice for health and wellness.
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– Love her love of dance and movement, and toning of the chakras.
– Bright and energetic and fun and very powerful.
– Makes learning easy. Brings more modern modalities to shamanic power.
– Really like her framework… she comes from the wisdom tradition. Within that framework she plays, plays, plays. It’s like a Spring of awakening and the joy.
– Living example of expanded consciousness. She was interested in the well being of her students. Helpful and informative.
– Someone who has her own CD out as a composer. Excellent choice for an instructor with combo of movement and sound. Very important to note that movement is a necessary part of music and sound.
– Enjoyed her shamanic work. She held space really well and she is extremely luminous.
– Lis class was SUPER interactive, she put a lot of effort to make us participate one by one and all together and to give us feedback. I felt I worked a lot in myself and self-healing while doing this class. Lis has a contagious energy and makes the class super vivid and energetic.
– Lis is one of the most fun and interactive classes I have ever attended. I learned so much more about shamanic singing, certain phrases that can be sung, and the amazing benefits that singing has for each of us on the physical level. I love getting in tune with my body through movement and sound so Lis’s high energy and engaging class was wonderful!
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Lakshmi DelSesto
Lakshmi is an eclectic musician, singer, songwriter, Kirtan leader and voice and sound teacher. Since 2000 she has been performing her original folk rock music and leading Kirtans across the United States & Internationally, including Bali and Thailand. While she was performing at festivals and yoga studios she also began to follow up her performances with Vocal Sound Healing workshops and private lessons. She teaches her brand of Vocal Sound Yoga and Bhakti Yoga.
Lakshmi as a Bachelors Degree in Humanities (Anthropology and Music) from New College of San Francisco.
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– Wonderful course. Great introduction to Kirtan, it’s made it much more accessible to me and I’ve been working with mantras since her class.
– Lakshmi’s knowledge of mantra and chanting was palpable. Her devotion for Kirtan and Mantra were evident. This was infectious and I really loved singing and chanting mantra along with Lakshmi. I learned so much about all the deities and devotion and intention. I have a newfound love and awe for the Sanskrit language.
– Lakshmi took the time to explain every chant, the meaning, the deities involved and it made it much closer, helped me connect to what we were chanting.
– Love Lakshmi!! She has a beautiful way of relaying information, and her chanting encourages the listener to participate freely without being self-conscious or feeling intimidated.
– I enjoyed learning about a new topic, Kirtan. This form of religious and/or spiritual art seems to be a form of praise to the divine as a community that seems to “cut through” the busy-ness and clutter of my mind. Though I felt an opening, I also felt “protected” in this state. Musically, it seemed to create a sense of ebbing and flowing. It also seems that each chant offers its own path to focus and energy depending upon a sacred musical formula of intention. In this state, one can experience being in the present, non-judgmental and protected while opening to healing and spirit. The mantra/chant tone seems to compliment focus/purpose.
– Lakshmi’s class is one of my favorite Globe classes! I loved it! I really understood the power of chanting mantras, how the words embody the meaning, and how the word is manifest as a sound/vibration. I really felt like Lakshmi created a transcendent space. She is very knowledgeable and respectful of the history behind the ritual of Kirtan. I learned for the first time just how the meaning of the deities becomes alive and manifest when we chant and that the state of consciousness is revealed in every word! Just the sound of her voice is healing…and understanding that for westerners, intention and devotion go a long way in what we lack historically and vocally.
– Through taking this course with Lakshmi, I came to start a relationship with my voice in a spiritual way… to connect to it in a deeper way. I used her homework of using AUM in my life and it’s really helped to ground me when I felt activated.
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Vickie Dodd
Vickie Dodd, Director of Sacred SoundWorks, is an internationally known pioneer in the field of Sound as a Bodywork. She is an Aston-Patterning Teacher, author, poet, nutritionist, herbalist, workshop leader and musician. She started using sound as a healing modality in her work with her clients over 40 years ago. She has trained with many master teachers in the art of body therapies and spiritual purification tools.
The essence of Vickie’s work is a multi-dimensional approach to using Sound as an evolutionary tool, emphasizing maturation of the emotional body. A few of her teachers that have been crucial to her evolving this work are: Dr. Joseph Liss, Dr. Ramurtri Mishra, William David, (Elias De Mohan) and Judith Aston.
Vickie has the rare ability to “sense” the subtle rhythm, vibrations, and tones that all matter produces. She uses her remarkable gift of “sounding” to match the unique soundprint of a person. To this sensitivity Ms. Dodd has added serious study and exploration into the curative aspects of sound, color and movement. She has designed a system, which integrates emotional memories within the physical body and facilitates the release of long held emotional distress. She has consulted with organizations and professional groups, assisting them to address specific issues they encounter in their work and life responsibilities.
Vickie teaches others how to listen to themselves and to use their voices to recapitulate the memories and history that resides in their bodies. These teachings empower and educate the serious sound student to direct and evolve their emotional and physical maturation. She is the author of “Tuning The Blues To Gold: Soundprints” and has several recordings available. As director of Soundbody Productions she lives in Port Angeles, Washington, and teaches in Europe and many locations around the USA.
Vickie has a Certificate from Aston Patterning, and Nutritional Therapy from the Nutritional Therapy Association.
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– She is so wise — a conduit for everything. She has this amazing ability to cut through to the core of it.
– I loved Vickie’s classes. Vickie is so humble and her humming approach is so simple and so powerful at the same time.
– Vickie Dodd is a veteran sound healer who really lets you know that all you really need is your voice and to be tapped into the cosmos with your childlike mind to be guided by the universe to the higher healing for all concerned.
– I learned so much from Vickie in terms of how important self-care is both generally & when working on others. The techniques I learned from Vickie are very effective & simple to apply to everyday life. Learning how VERY important it is for the body to stay ‘liquid’ that fluidity vibrates through to every part of our being.
– I cherish Vickie Dodd and her energy brings me so much serenity and feeling of calmness
– WOW. This woman helped me to make sense of things within my being that I did not even knew existed. Just wow.
– I really loved Vickie’s class. When you state that her class is part of the “Inner Awareness” classes, that is really what you are getting with Vickie. She taught us how to be in relationship with ourselves, providing us with the foundational work for self care. I learned by experience, some powerful tools like the Hum for instance (which sets up the neutral field to do the work). We also experienced what “plugging in” is like and what they benefits of aerobic sounds like “Emptying” can be. I really got a lot out of the experiences we went through in her classes. She is a wonderful teacher and soul.
– I was completely blown away with Vickie Dodd. Her voice and language was really impressive. She made me realize that every organ in our body has a voice and it needs to be expressed.
– Vickie is a soul-connected human / ancient healer who somehow has been able to filter down through to here where she can provide her teachings to us in modern online school form.
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Gerald Savage
Gerald is a teacher/administrator and Department Chair of the Vocal Department at Pittsburgh CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts) 6-12; a Blue Ribbon School recognized by Newsweek magazine, and one of the top 21 schools in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He is also a keyboardist, director/conductor, arranger/composer, trombonist, and ethnomusicologist.
He is a strong advocate for using the magnificent healing power of sound and music with both children and adults. Utilizing the support of findings in neuroscience research, he is adamant in assuring that children are provided with arts, music, and sound as essential components of educating the whole child.
· Fulbright-Hays Scholar (2009), Brazil; An education collaborative project between the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and a joint effort between The Andy Warhol Museum (Pittsburgh), and The Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói (Museum of Contemporary Arts, Niteroi, Brazil).
· Classroom without Borders (2014) , Teacher/music facilitator in Poland, to learn and teach about the atrocities of the Holocaust.
· Bridging Cultures (2016) Educational collaborative through the State Department, in conjunction with the African Studies Program at the University of Illinois, which consisted of 20 international educators and 7 educators from the United States; discussing issues pertaining to international and multicultural education.
· Ethiopia: Indigenous Wisdom and Culture (2017) Fulbright-Hays scholar in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh African Studies Program
Through his training in ethnomusicology, Gerald came to the realization that sound and music have been functional tools for millennia by ancient cultures throughout the world in bringing frequencies to rituals, and in the realms of healing and well-being.
Bachelors degree in music, Indiana University, Bloomington; Masters Degree in Ethnomusicology, University of Pittsburgh. Doctoral degree studies in Administrative and Policy Studies, University of Pittsburgh. Sound healing certificate, Globe Institute.
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– Gerald was super clear and, although he knows a lot about the subject, he adapted the way he explained things to the level of the students, which was in general pretty basic. In my case, understanding music language is a little bit hard, and in this class, I felt I got to understand in a much deeper level.
– Gerald has mastered the art of presenting music theory to brains that have never encountered it before. I took this class as a veteran of music theory and was pleased to see the innovative ways that he taught some of the same concepts I already knew.
– I absolutely love Gerald with his great energy and soothing low tone voice, and he made it quite easy to understand all the criteria. As well as, he was always making sure that everyone in the class wasn’t lost and understood every step of the way.
– I thought this class/curriculum was incredibly important and valuable. It’s a sound healer’s “fundamental”. 😉 It provided me with a foundation on music theory and how it’s applied. This was one of the critical components I was missing in my understanding of sound healing. Through this course I was able to learn so much about music, especially its vocabulary and application. I could not have asked for a more brilliant teacher either. Gerald is absolutely amazing, both in his knowledge and expression/communication of it.
– Very engaging. Wonderful energy. Really cared about students. Went out of his way to help individuals understand while balancing the overall lesson for everyone. Very knowledgeable. Good use of a variety of teaching methods and materials: videos, presentations, homework, questions/answers, etc. Shared PowerPoint and other ref docs before classes, and much more.
– For the first time in my life, music makes sense. I’ve been in music classes in the past, usually with a teacher at the chalkboard pointing at things and telling us to follow along and sing or play them. Gerald made music theory much more accessible to me and I am beginning to understand much more about scales and such.
– I absolutely loved Gerald’s class and his style of teaching! Oh, my goodness. For the first time in my life, I understand scales, octaves and intervals. He completely demystified music for me. He also offered so much ancillary information that we can refer to later. He offered alternative ways to look at music. I’m so visual, and he provided these videos that showed the visual of how sound and frequency look bouncing around!
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Don Estes
Don Estes is a professionally trained neuroscientist who has lectured worldwide on sensory science and vibrational medicine. He is founding CEO of InnerSense Inc., and inventor of VibraSound®, Sensory Resonance™ and other transformational technologies which have been featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, ET, Beyond 2000, Next Step, Science Frontiers, and many other national and international media. In addition, he has created a next generation biometric based on breath that can optimize a person’s resonance. This supercomputer software is also used to power a futuristic alembic that makes a vapor, which has survived the experience of transformation rather than being charged from an outside source like lasers, coils, crystals, magnets, etc. This new paradigm of healing enhances what’s right rather than fixes what’s wrong and represents the state of the art in transformational technologies. Recent publication of his book, “Harmonic Law: The Science of Vibration,” and its master illustration, “The Absolute Scale of Relative Cosmic Reality,” are the basis for this class. https://www.spiritualtechnologies.io/
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– Don is a trip. He has gone down more rabbit holes and tied them all together better than anyone I know.
– Don is all about how to access what is right in you and the planet.
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Lisa Rafel
Lisa Rafel helps people to change their lives. She is a sound and energy educator, spiritual counselor, gifted intuitive, singer, harmonic overtone chanter, shamanic healer and a practitioner of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing. Her chanting, rooted in the tradition of vowels as the sacred language of God, has been called “music from before the languages divided” and engages the listener at the deepest levels. Lisa’s international teaching program, “Resonate with the Soul”, encourages development of the psychic senses as well as personal transformation. Utilizing sound, body awareness and ancient wisdom, the classes teach multiple levels of self-awareness, and deepen one’s relationship to courage and compassion.
Lisa guest lectures and performs at conferences and in concert. Events include: Deepak Chopra’s Alliance for a New Humanity, Puerto Rico; The Gather the Women Congress, SF; The State of the World Forum, New York; San Francisco State University; the Collective Heritage Institute; The Institute of Noetic Sciences, and Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds Intensive. She has performed at The World Festival of Sacred Music, Los Angeles in honor of HH the Dalai Lama; in Chartres Cathedral in France, Sakya Monastery in Tibet, Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, ancient stone circles in England, and many temples in Egypt including The Great Pyramid in Giza.
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– Love her intuitive clarity and integrity in the work.
– Very clear statement of protocols and ethics in sound healings. Emphasis on practical applications of techniques.
– Her groundedness and direct way of communication. She has a the keen ability to see through people’s veils and auric fields to get to the heart of the matter.
– Legit, great, very intuitive. Really liked that she was direct and in integrity. Wise owl and grounding. Her lessons on boundaries were incredible.
– Really learned what sound healing was about.
– Amazing, mentor like, honest. Healthy respect for each other. The class that transformed me the most.
– Very powerful and direct and timeless. Comes from a really deep place of wisdom. Projects on all planes – emotionally and mentally.
– As a Sound Practitioner, Lisa Rafel has the power to read energy and then allow spirit to powerfully and precisely direct sound into the body and psyche with amazing results. As an instructor, Lisa is able to organize and present complex esoteric information that is easily understandable, engaging and filled with heart. With her ability to read energy she makes everyone in the class feel as though they are in a one on one session with her.
– A sensitive and knowledgeable teacher, Lisa brought her experience to us in the class in a way that we could expand our healing sensitivities, while maintaining a clear boundary, which enables the client and protects the practitioner.
– I learned to create a boundary of light approximately 6″ around a client’s body when doing a sound healing to respect their autonomy. By doing this I am allowing the sound to go to the boundary and be received by their body, as it needs versus how I determine their needs. I apply the same boundary to myself and that assists me in not taking on energy from the client.
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How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
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Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
Career Details
You may setup your own practice or work within an established institution such as Integrative Therapy Centers or Complementary Medicine in Hospitals, Alternative Healing Centers, Chiropractic or Acupuncture Offices, Private Healing Centers, Drug Rehab Centers, Physical Therapy Offices, Health Spas, Yoga Centers, or Retreat Centers.
Here is a list of careers:
Sound Healer, Sound Practitioner
Sound Healers and Practitioners perform general treatments that can help a wide range of physical, mental and emotional issues. The treatments can also be just to create a sense of well being in body and mind, which has been proven to be helpful for the immune system and all organs in the body (Dr. Jeffrey Thompson). The treatments often use voice, gongs, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks and electronic sound transmission devices. The treatments use a wide perspective of frequencies, timbres (instrument sounds or syllables), musical intervals, music, and focused intention.
Sound Therapist
A Sound Therapist works on specific mental or emotional issues and adds in specific protocols for the particular issue. Issues include anxiety, learning disabilities, autism, trauma, sleep, grief, dementia, Parkinson’s, ADD/ADHD and PTSD. The treatments may include general Sound Healing instruments and voice, but then often get more specific as to the frequency, timbre, or musical flow required for the specific issue. The treatment might also include and intake interview and/or use of an assessment device such as Voice Analysis to help isolate the specific issue to define specific sound parameters to use.
Sound Bath Performer
Sound Bath Performers use voice and/or play instruments including crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs and drums to induce a state of relaxation in a group. The group might be as general as people that are looking for an interesting sound and musical experience, or might be very specific medically – as for a group of cancer patients. Sometimes there are multiple people performing the sound bath together. The session may be for a few people, or thousands in a large concert hall or cathedral, for example. There are hundred’s of instruments that may be used in such a session.
Using Sound for Relaxation, Focus and Creativity in the Corporate World
You will be prepared to work with corporations for relaxation, stress reduction, team building and creative inspiration. It also includes designing and setting up office and treatment room ambiances.
Creating and Using Sound Healing Music
There is a growing community of musicians dedicated to the creation of application-specific audio programs — Including relaxation, stress relief, meditation, sleep, accelerated learning, pain control, neurodevelopmental remediation, enhanced productivity, and consciousness raising. There is also a large number of musicians that are incorporating Psychoacoustic techniques into the production of commercial albums. In the Sound Healing Program you will learn many concepts that you could use to enhance a wide range of music. If you would like to actually record, mix and produce Sound Healing Music, we recommend you also take the Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program.
Sound Healing Research
There is a large number of funding resources including Government and Private grants for research that could help large numbers of people. There is a wide range of research going on in the industry including: studies of the psychological and physiological effects of music and sound. There is work on how sound and music affect emotions, and how to use binaural beats to entrain a person’s brain into particular brainwave states of consciousness. There is a large number of companies doing research on energy medicine technologies. There is also some very interesting research focusing on how sound and resonance within a cell trigger chemical reactions and cellular processes, and how cells and organs communicate with each other using sound. Perhaps the most exciting is the research on how resonance works at the Quantum level. Students may collaborate with our own Sound Healing Research Foundation.
Many people are simply creating new technologies, software and applications. Once you learn the wide range of information contained in the classes, the future is ripe with possibilities. We are interested in supporting creative technologies that will help large numbers of people.
Student will be prepared to off basic workshops in sound healing. There is an increasing number of people who are working in soundwork education. Hospitals are now open to classes for nurses and doctors.
Labor Board Classifications
The skills that are learned in the classes may be used to do the following non-technical or professional jobs under the following classifications by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Job numbers may be found at https://www.bls.gov
Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other – Occupational Code 29-1199
All health diagnosing and treating practitioners represents occupations with a wide range of characteristics. Examples include: Acupressurist, Acupuncturist, Aurist, Cardiologist, Cardiovascular Disease Specialist, Clinical Fellow, Colon Therapist, Corrective and Manual Arts Therapist, Corrective Therapist, County Health Officer.
Healthcare Support Workers, All other – Occupational Code 31-9099
• Promoting good health and educating patients and caregivers about wellness.
• Assisting and caring for patients in a fast-paced and dynamic clinical environment.
Education, Training, and Library Workers, All Other – Occupational Code 25-9099
Self-Enrichment Education Teachers
Self-Enrichment Education Teachers teach or instruct courses other than those which normally lead to an occupational objective or degree. Courses may include self-improvement, nonvocational, and nonacademic subjects.
Teachers and Instructors (all other)
All teachers and instructors not listed separately.
Our students commonly go on to teach workshops in the field.
Personal Care and Service Workers, All Other – Occupational Code 39-9099
Personal care and service careers include a diverse and widely-ranging variety of professions. The common denominator for those who enter careers in this field is a strong interest in providing a service to another person, usually on a one-on-one interactive basis. Service professionals perform specific tasks that help their clients meet a goal or solve a problem.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that the aging baby boomer population will require more care and opt to stay at home to receive it. This could lead to exceptional growth in certain segments of the personal care and service industries. Specifically, the BLS expects employment in personal care and service occupations to increase 21 percent from 2012 to 2022.
Musicians and Singers – Occupational Code 27-2042
• Practice musical instrument performances, individually or in rehearsal with other musicians, to master individual pieces of music or to maintain and improve skills.
• Perform before live audiences in concerts, recitals, educational presentations, and other social gatherings.
• Specialize in playing a specific family of instruments or a particular type of music.
• Play musical instruments as soloists, or as members or guest artists of musical groups such as orchestras, ensembles, or bands.
We offer extensive Voice and Music Theory studies and many students go on to perform “sound baths” in which they perform with voice and many other sound healing instruments.
CLICK HERE to return to the Careers Overview
CLICK HERE to return to the table of contents
How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start times and detailed schedule for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.
CLICK HERE to view our full Catalog in PDF format on the web (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download a copy of our full Catalog in PDF format.
Annual Report
CLICK HERE to see our 2020 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to see our 2019 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
Performance Fact Sheets
CLICK HERE to see our 2020 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2018/2019 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to see our 2021 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2019/2020 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to go to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education site that approves our Institute. Their contact info is Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, Department of Consumer Affairs at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 or P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 Web site Address: www.bppe.ca.gov
Phone: (888) 370-7589, (916) 574-8900. FAX: (916) 263-1897
Office Hours
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday.
This information is effective December 2021 – December 2022
State Approval
Globe Institute of Recording and Production is a Private Institution approved by the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (which means compliance with standards set forth in the Ed. Code). The following Certificates are approved:
Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program – 186 hours
Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate Program – 135 hours
Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program – 148 hours
All Instruction is held at 110 Caledonia St. Ste A Sausalito, California with facility occupancy level accommodating 90 students at any one time. This school currently does not have any government sponsored programs to provide grants or to pay for portions of tuition and fees.
California statute requires that a student, who successfully completes a course of study, be awarded an appropriate diploma, certificate, or degree verifying the fact.
Prospective enrollees are encouraged to visit the physical facilities of the school and to discuss personal educational and occupational plans with school personnel prior to enrolling or signing enrollment agreements.
Any questions a student may have regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Suite 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 and (916) 574-8900. Their website is www.bppe.ca.gov
Persons seeking to resolve problems or complaints should first contact the instructor in charge. Requests for further action may be made to David Gibson, President. A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 toll-free or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s internet website www.bppe.ca.gov.
None of the programs at Globe Institute of Recording and Production are accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. A degree program that is unaccredited or a degree from an unaccredited institution is not recognized for some employment positions, including, but not limited to, positions with the State of California, and is not eligible for federal financial aid programs to provide grants or to pay for portions of tuition and fees.
All information in the content of the school catalog is current and correct and is so certified as true by David Gibson.
The Institute has collected a great deal of information to help you in your search for reasonable housing in the San Francisco Bay Area. Contact the Admissions Office at (415) 777-2486 anytime for a list of Agencies, Newspapers and other students looking for housing. Some web sites you might check are: sfgate.com, craigslist.com, listorganization.com, renttech.com, homefinders.com, metrorent.com, bayinsider.com, and ucsfedu.org.
Admission Policy and Process
Admission Policy and Process A high school education or equivalent is required for admission to all programs. Prospective students must fill out the Application for Enrollment, obtain transcripts or high school diploma (or equivalent), and write a 100 to 200 word essay on why they would like to attend the Institute. Each applicant must also take and pass a basic entrance exam. This exam is to determine the student’s ability to successfully be trained to perform the tasks associated with the particular occupation. The Institute does not participate in “Ability-to-Benefit” programs. The Admissions office phone number is (415) 777-2486.
Prior to entry into the program, every student must produce proof that satisfies the following entry requirements:
– Age 18 or older with a high school diploma or GED equivalent (or turning 18 within the year after HS),
– Valid email and mailing addresses, and phone number,
– A full and working knowledge of English.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is our policy to not discriminate on any basis including, but not limited to age, race, color, physical or mental disability, national or ethnic origin, religion, marital or parental status, sexual orientation and/or sex. Faculty should not discriminate on any basis unrelated to academic performance. It is important to balance sensitivity and the right to free opinions.
English Language Proficiency
English proficiency is required to attend the Institute. Therefore, a basic understanding of English is necessary — especially since there are many new technical terms to learn. For those having difficulty, online videos of Certificate classes may be viewed at home. Globe Institute of Recording and Production is not currently approved by the Immigration and Naturalization Service to admit foreign students.
Credit for Previous Education and Training
Students may be given credit for equivalent education or experience. If it is recent enough, sufficiently thorough and relevant, and can be demonstrated as to satisfactory proficiency, appropriate credit may be allowed at the discretion of the school. There is no fee to assess or accept credits from another school, however there is no discount for classes accepted. Because of the nature of our unique curriculum, it is highly recommended that students take the entire program. The institution will accept a maximum of 45 clock hours or 3 units of credit from another institution for the Certificate Program. Equivalency is based on the similarity of course content. If there is a question as to the exact equivalency Globe Institute of Recording and Production will obtain the course outline of instruction. The course outline must include at least 75% of the primary details found in the Institute’s course outline. No credit is given for prior experiential learning. Students may appeal the decision on prior credits with the Director. The Institute has no agreement with another institution for the transfer of credits. The same policy applies for transferring credits from program to program within the Institute.
Course content: Transfer credits will only be accepted if the content of the transfer course is generally equivalent to the corresponding course at the Institute or the transfer course fulfills a general education requirement.
Documentation: Students must submit an official grade transcript and catalog course description and/or syllabus for each course they seek to transfer.
Grade: The student must have earned at least a grade of “C-” in each course evaluated for transfer credit.
Certificate program: Students in the certificate program must take all but 45 hours or 3 credits at Globe Institute of Recording and Production.
Attendance, Leave of Absence
Students must report to their first meeting of their scheduled classes. Prior to the end of the second week of each particular course, a faculty member may initiate a drop if: 1) a student has not attended the first two class meetings (or the first meeting of a course which meets only once per week); and 2) a student has not, by the end of the first week of a particular course, advised the faculty member that his/her absence is temporary. Continued absence from a course for which a student has not been dropped by the instructor may yield an unauthorized withdrawal (“U” grade) which is computed as an “F”. It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop a course. A student may take a Leave of Absence of a maximum of one year. Any longer than that and the student must begin the Program again.
Students are not permitted to miss more than 30% of the semester for a single course, or 30% of all classes in the certificate program. Instructors are recommended to automatically fail a student who has missed more than 30% of a class unless special arrangements are made. Also, unless special arrangements are made ahead of time, students missing more than two consecutive weeks of classes, regardless of total classes missed per class, may be automatically terminated from the Institute. Please note, the Institute does not permit excused absences. Labs and Recording Sessions may not be made up. However, certificate students may make up absences by watching videos of recorded classes and turning in the Pre-Test questions for that class. If a student shows documentation as justification for missing a class, such as a jury duty notice or substantial medical documentation, the student will still be counted as absent but it won’t affect the student’s final grade.
Academic Progress and Dismissal Policies
Students are evaluated on a timely basis through regular assignments and homework. There is a comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester for each class. A student must pass each class to retain good academic standing. A student who fails to maintain good academic standing for a semester will be placed on probation. A student on probation is expected to show the necessary improvement in academic performance by the end of the following semester in order to continue. The Institute offers free tutorial assistance for students who request it. Students may also be dismissed for not following school regulations, bad conduct, or if a student fails to make agreed payments
Academic Counseling and Career Planning
Globe Institute of Recording and Production provides individual Academic Advisors to all students upon their entrance to the school. Each student is provided with an Academic Advisor who teaches at the Institute and who has professional experience in the recording industry. Academic advisors work with students throughout their entire program of study and counsel students on graduation requirements, academic programs, educational and career goals and the skills necessary to succeed professionally. When meeting with students, advisors have access to the students grades, proficiency test results, and other progress data available to provide personalized counseling toward the students strengths and career objectives. Students are required to meet with their advisor at least once per semester, but it is recommended that students meet with their advisor at least twice per semester.
Timely Response for Online Classes
The institution ensures timeliness of its responses (synchronously or asynchronously) to students’ requests by placing a requirement on response time of no more than 24 hours within the institution’s published operational schedule of the program/course.
Library and Other Learning Resources
Globe Institute of Recording and Production has a library containing a wide range of books in the Industry, educational video tapes, 100’s of back issues of recording magazines, a variety of educational audio CD’s and CD Rom Programs. There are numerous videos of mixes that have been produced with the Virtual Mixer, and videos of most of the classes in the Programs. The Institute also provides unlimited computer access to the Internet. There are also numerous study areas throughout the facility to promote study groups.
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review the catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement.
Career Placement Assistance
The school has an active program to help students acquire jobs. The staff is in contact with hospitals and alternative health centers, particularly in Northern California. We also have an active Internship Program. This is the most common way that students get hired. Placement is not guaranteed.
Student Conduct
Students are expected to behave in a professional manner. Use of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Any student caught using drugs or alcohol or acting in an unruly manner may be expelled from the school.
Certificate programs – 50% attendance; 50% tests and homework assignments.
Record Retention
Globe Institute or Recording and Production maintains current records for a period of, NOT less than, five years. Transcripts are maintained for 50 years.
Student Grievances
Students are to take any grievances to the President. The President will make a full report of the grievance and will attempt to resolve the situation in a way that is agreeable to all parties involved. A copy of the written report will be given to the student and the student will be contacted, if necessary, to see if he or she is satisfied with the outcome.
If the grievance is still not resolved, the President will require a formal written complaint from the student. An ad hoc committee of faculty, staff, and student representation will be formed. The committee will review the written complaint filed by the student and hear a verbal report from all parties involved. The committee will recommend action to resolve the matter. All students are notified that they may bring up any unresolved grievances with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 2535 Capital Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833. The toll-free number is (888) 370-7589.
CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICIES for classes at the Institute
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, the institution refunds 100% of the tuition and fees collected. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of classes and the student does not begin classes or withdraws on the first day of classes, the institution retains no more than $100 of the tuition and fees.
Students who have not visited the school facility prior to enrollment have the opportunity to withdraw without penalty within three days following either attendance at a regularly-scheduled orientation or following a tour of the facilities and inspection of the equipment.
You have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund. The institution, for all students, without penalty or obligation, shall refund 100 percent of the amount paid for institutional charges, less a reasonable deposit or application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100), if the notice of cancellation is made prior to the first day or up to the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later. Cancellation will occur when the student gives written notice of cancellation to the school at the address specified on the enrollment agreement or . You can do this by mail, hand delivery, or telegram. The written notice of cancellation, if sent by mail, is effective when deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid. The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by this agreement. You may withdraw from a course after instruction has started and receive a pro-rata refund for the unused portion of the tuition and other refundable charges if you have completed 60% or less of the instruction. Refunds will be paid within 45 days of cancellation or withdrawal.
The amount of the refund shall be the amount the student paid for instruction multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of hours of instruction that the student has paid, less a $75.00 registration fee, and the documented cost of any equipment that the Institute provided the student which was not returned in reusable condition within forty-five (45) days after the student’s withdrawal.
Tuition | $1850 | |
Registration Tuition |
$75 | |
Reader/Book Fee | $75 | |
Tuition, plus all fees, all amounts paid for instruction | $2000 | |
Registration fee retained by school | – $75 | |
Total Amount Paid for instruction / less registration cap | $1925 |
REFUND = $1925 X |
Hours not attended, but paid for _________________________________ Total # of hours paid for |
The table below outlines the estimated refund of tuition if you were unable to complete your training program, although it is prorated based on the exact percentage not completed.
10% completed 90% refund
25% completed 75% refund
50% completed 50% refund
Institutions with programs longer than 12 months that financially obligate the student for any period of time beyond 12 months release the student of the obligation to pay beyond the 12 months if the student withdraws during the first 12 months. The calculation of the refund for the unused portion of the first 12 months is based on the calculation above. If the student withdraws during any subsequent period following the first 12 months, the student’s refund for the unused portion of the tuition applicable to the period of withdrawal is prorated as above.
If a student obtains a loan, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the money not paid from financial aid funds.
Refunds are issued through the Business Office when a student withdraws from all classes. The issuance of a refund is not contingent upon notification of withdrawal by the student. Students who officially withdraw from the college should contact the school Director to initiate the issuance of a refund. For students receiving funding from a third party, tuition refunds are first applied toward repayment of third party funding.
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, the institution refunds 100% of the tuition and fees collected. You have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund. The institution, for all students, without penalty or obligation, shall refund 100 percent of the amount paid for institutional charges, less a reasonable deposit or application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100), if the notice of cancellation is made prior to receiving the class materials.
Once a student has enrolled, a student may receive a full refund (minus the registration fee) if the student has not received any of the class materials. Cancellation will occur when the student gives written notice of cancellation to the school at the address specified on the enrollment agreement. You can do this by mail, hand delivery, or email. The written notice of cancellation, if sent by mail, is effective when deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid. The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by this agreement.
The school will also refund money collected for sending to a third party on the student’s behalf, such as a license or application fees. If the school cancels or discontinues a course or educational program, the school will make a full refund or all charges. If a student obtains a loan, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the money not paid from financial aid funds.
Change in the day or time when the class is offered after the student has enrolled in the course – A full refund must be offered to a student who does not consent to a change of day, or any class that is offered on a day when the student is not scheduled to attend the institution, or to a time that is outside the range of time the student is scheduled to attend on the day for which the change in time is proposed.
School closure – The student has a right to a pro rata refund of the unused portion of tuition should the school close before the student completes his or her course of instruction.
A pro rata refund shall be no less than the total amount owed by the student for the portion of the educational program provided subtracted from the amount paid by the student, calculated as follows: (1) The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program (total institutional charge, divided by the number of days or hours in the program), multiplied by the number of days student attended, or was scheduled to attend, prior to withdrawal. All amounts paid by the student in excess of what is owed as calculated shall be refunded.
Refunds are issued through the Business Office when a student withdraws from all classes. Students who officially withdraw from the college should contact the school Director to initiate the issuance of a refund. For students receiving funding from a third party, tuition refunds are first applied toward repayment of third party funding. Refunds will be paid within 45 days of cancellation or withdrawal.
There is no refund for classes that are for Professional Development and Continuing Education classes. These classes are not accredited by the Council on Occupational Education and are not meant to lead to an occupation on their own.
The transferability of credits you earn at Globe Institute of Recording and Production is at the complete discretion of an Institution to which may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the Certificate or Degree you earn in Globe Institute of Recording and Production is also at the complete discretion for the Institution to which you seek to transfer. If the credits, Certificate or Degree that you earn at this Institution are not accepted at the Institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that Institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this Institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an Institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Globe Institute of Recording and Production to determine if your credits, Certificate or Degree will transfer.
You must pay the state-imposed assessment for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if all of the following applies to you:
1. You are a student in an educational program who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition either by cash or personal loans, and
2. Your total charges are not paid by any third-party payer such as an employer, government program, or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party.
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment if either of the following applies:
1. You are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program, or
2. Your total charges are paid by a third party, such as an employer, government program or other payer, and you have no separate agreement to repay the 3rd party.
The State of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents, or are enrolled in a residency program attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. You may be eligible for STRF if you are California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid STRF assessment, and suffered and economic loss as a result of any of the following:
1. The school closed before the course of instruction was completed.
2 The school’s failure to pay refunds or charges on behalf of a student to a third party for license fees or any other purpose, or to provide equipment or materials for which a charge was collected within 180 days before the close of the school.
3. The school’s failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federally guaranteed student loan program as required by law or to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the school prior to closure in excess of tuition and other costs.
4. There was material failure to comply with the Act or the Division within 30-days before the school closed or, if the material failure began earlier than 30-days prior to closure, the period determined by the Bureau.
5. An inability after diligent efforts to prosecute, prove, and collect on a judgment against the Institution in violation of the Act.
However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or taxpayer id #.
CLICK HERE to return to the Policies and Procedures Overview
CLICK HERE to view our full Catalog in PDF format on the web (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download a copy of our full Catalog in PDF format.
Annual Report
CLICK HERE to see our 2020 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to see our 2019 Annual Report for the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (can take a bit of time to load).
Performance Fact Sheets
CLICK HERE to see our 2020 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2018/2019 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to see our 2021 Performance Fact Sheets that show data for 2019/2020 (can take a bit of time to load).
CLICK HERE to download it.
CLICK HERE to go to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education site that approves our Institute. Their contact info is Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, Department of Consumer Affairs at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 or P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 Web site Address: www.bppe.ca.gov
Phone: (888) 370-7589, (916) 574-8900. FAX: (916) 263-1897
Office Hours
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday.
This information is effective December 2021 – December 2022
State Approval
Globe Institute of Recording and Production is a Private Institution approved by the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (which means compliance with standards set forth in the Ed. Code). The following Certificates are approved:
Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program – 186 hours
Advanced Sound Therapy Certificate Program – 135 hours
Recording Arts and Technology Certificate Program – 148 hours
All Instruction is held at 110 Caledonia St. Ste A Sausalito, California with facility occupancy level accommodating 90 students at any one time. This school currently does not have any government sponsored programs to provide grants or to pay for portions of tuition and fees.
California statute requires that a student, who successfully completes a course of study, be awarded an appropriate diploma, certificate, or degree verifying the fact.
Prospective enrollees are encouraged to visit the physical facilities of the school and to discuss personal educational and occupational plans with school personnel prior to enrolling or signing enrollment agreements.
Any questions a student may have regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at 1747 N. Market Blvd. Suite 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 and (916) 574-8900. Their website is www.bppe.ca.gov
Persons seeking to resolve problems or complaints should first contact the instructor in charge. Requests for further action may be made to David Gibson, President. A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 toll-free or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s internet website www.bppe.ca.gov.
None of the programs at Globe Institute of Recording and Production are accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. A degree program that is unaccredited or a degree from an unaccredited institution is not recognized for some employment positions, including, but not limited to, positions with the State of California, and is not eligible for federal financial aid programs to provide grants or to pay for portions of tuition and fees.
All information in the content of the school catalog is current and correct and is so certified as true by David Gibson.
The Institute has collected a great deal of information to help you in your search for reasonable housing in the San Francisco Bay Area. Contact the Admissions Office at (415) 777-2486 anytime for a list of Agencies, Newspapers and other students looking for housing. Some web sites you might check are: sfgate.com, craigslist.com, listorganization.com, renttech.com, homefinders.com, metrorent.com, bayinsider.com, and ucsfedu.org.
Admission Policy and Process
Admission Policy and Process A high school education or equivalent is required for admission to all programs. Prospective students must fill out the Application for Enrollment, obtain transcripts or high school diploma (or equivalent), and write a 100 to 200 word essay on why they would like to attend the Institute. Each applicant must also take and pass a basic entrance exam. This exam is to determine the student’s ability to successfully be trained to perform the tasks associated with the particular occupation. The Institute does not participate in “Ability-to-Benefit” programs. The Admissions office phone number is (415) 777-2486.
Prior to entry into the program, every student must produce proof that satisfies the following entry requirements:
– Age 18 or older with a high school diploma or GED equivalent (or turning 18 within the year after HS),
– Valid email and mailing addresses, and phone number,
– A full and working knowledge of English.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is our policy to not discriminate on any basis including, but not limited to age, race, color, physical or mental disability, national or ethnic origin, religion, marital or parental status, sexual orientation and/or sex. Faculty should not discriminate on any basis unrelated to academic performance. It is important to balance sensitivity and the right to free opinions.
English Language Proficiency
English proficiency is required to attend the Institute. Therefore, a basic understanding of English is necessary — especially since there are many new technical terms to learn. For those having difficulty, online videos of Certificate classes may be viewed at home. Globe Institute of Recording and Production is not currently approved by the Immigration and Naturalization Service to admit foreign students.
Credit for Previous Education and Training
Students may be given credit for equivalent education or experience. If it is recent enough, sufficiently thorough and relevant, and can be demonstrated as to satisfactory proficiency, appropriate credit may be allowed at the discretion of the school. There is no fee to assess or accept credits from another school, however there is no discount for classes accepted. Because of the nature of our unique curriculum, it is highly recommended that students take the entire program. The institution will accept a maximum of 45 clock hours or 3 units of credit from another institution for the Certificate Program. Equivalency is based on the similarity of course content. If there is a question as to the exact equivalency Globe Institute of Recording and Production will obtain the course outline of instruction. The course outline must include at least 75% of the primary details found in the Institute’s course outline. No credit is given for prior experiential learning. Students may appeal the decision on prior credits with the Director. The Institute has no agreement with another institution for the transfer of credits. The same policy applies for transferring credits from program to program within the Institute.
Course content: Transfer credits will only be accepted if the content of the transfer course is generally equivalent to the corresponding course at the Institute or the transfer course fulfills a general education requirement.
Documentation: Students must submit an official grade transcript and catalog course description and/or syllabus for each course they seek to transfer.
Grade: The student must have earned at least a grade of “C-” in each course evaluated for transfer credit.
Certificate program: Students in the certificate program must take all but 45 hours or 3 credits at Globe Institute of Recording and Production.
Attendance, Leave of Absence
Students must report to their first meeting of their scheduled classes. Prior to the end of the second week of each particular course, a faculty member may initiate a drop if: 1) a student has not attended the first two class meetings (or the first meeting of a course which meets only once per week); and 2) a student has not, by the end of the first week of a particular course, advised the faculty member that his/her absence is temporary. Continued absence from a course for which a student has not been dropped by the instructor may yield an unauthorized withdrawal (“U” grade) which is computed as an “F”. It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop a course. A student may take a Leave of Absence of a maximum of one year. Any longer than that and the student must begin the Program again.
Students are not permitted to miss more than 30% of the semester for a single course, or 30% of all classes in the certificate program. Instructors are recommended to automatically fail a student who has missed more than 30% of a class unless special arrangements are made. Also, unless special arrangements are made ahead of time, students missing more than two consecutive weeks of classes, regardless of total classes missed per class, may be automatically terminated from the Institute. Please note, the Institute does not permit excused absences. Labs and Recording Sessions may not be made up. However, certificate students may make up absences by watching videos of recorded classes and turning in the Pre-Test questions for that class. If a student shows documentation as justification for missing a class, such as a jury duty notice or substantial medical documentation, the student will still be counted as absent but it won’t affect the student’s final grade.
Academic Progress and Dismissal Policies
Students are evaluated on a timely basis through regular assignments and homework. There is a comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester for each class. A student must pass each class to retain good academic standing. A student who fails to maintain good academic standing for a semester will be placed on probation. A student on probation is expected to show the necessary improvement in academic performance by the end of the following semester in order to continue. The Institute offers free tutorial assistance for students who request it. Students may also be dismissed for not following school regulations, bad conduct, or if a student fails to make agreed payments
Academic Counseling and Career Planning
Globe Institute of Recording and Production provides individual Academic Advisors to all students upon their entrance to the school. Each student is provided with an Academic Advisor who teaches at the Institute and who has professional experience in the recording industry. Academic advisors work with students throughout their entire program of study and counsel students on graduation requirements, academic programs, educational and career goals and the skills necessary to succeed professionally. When meeting with students, advisors have access to the students grades, proficiency test results, and other progress data available to provide personalized counseling toward the students strengths and career objectives. Students are required to meet with their advisor at least once per semester, but it is recommended that students meet with their advisor at least twice per semester.
Timely Response for Online Classes
The institution ensures timeliness of its responses (synchronously or asynchronously) to students’ requests by placing a requirement on response time of no more than 24 hours within the institution’s published operational schedule of the program/course.
Library and Other Learning Resources
Globe Institute of Recording and Production has a library containing a wide range of books in the Industry, educational video tapes, 100’s of back issues of recording magazines, a variety of educational audio CD’s and CD Rom Programs. There are numerous videos of mixes that have been produced with the Virtual Mixer, and videos of most of the classes in the Programs. The Institute also provides unlimited computer access to the Internet. There are also numerous study areas throughout the facility to promote study groups.
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review the catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement.
Career Placement Assistance
The school has an active program to help students acquire jobs. The staff is in contact with hospitals and alternative health centers, particularly in Northern California. We also have an active Internship Program. This is the most common way that students get hired. Placement is not guaranteed.
Student Conduct
Students are expected to behave in a professional manner. Use of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Any student caught using drugs or alcohol or acting in an unruly manner may be expelled from the school.
Certificate programs – 50% attendance; 50% tests and homework assignments.
Record Retention
Globe Institute or Recording and Production maintains current records for a period of, NOT less than, five years. Transcripts are maintained for 50 years.
Student Grievances
Students are to take any grievances to the President. The President will make a full report of the grievance and will attempt to resolve the situation in a way that is agreeable to all parties involved. A copy of the written report will be given to the student and the student will be contacted, if necessary, to see if he or she is satisfied with the outcome.
If the grievance is still not resolved, the President will require a formal written complaint from the student. An ad hoc committee of faculty, staff, and student representation will be formed. The committee will review the written complaint filed by the student and hear a verbal report from all parties involved. The committee will recommend action to resolve the matter. All students are notified that they may bring up any unresolved grievances with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 2535 Capital Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833. The toll-free number is (888) 370-7589.
CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICIES for classes at the Institute
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, the institution refunds 100% of the tuition and fees collected. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of classes and the student does not begin classes or withdraws on the first day of classes, the institution retains no more than $100 of the tuition and fees.
Students who have not visited the school facility prior to enrollment have the opportunity to withdraw without penalty within three days following either attendance at a regularly-scheduled orientation or following a tour of the facilities and inspection of the equipment.
You have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund. The institution, for all students, without penalty or obligation, shall refund 100 percent of the amount paid for institutional charges, less a reasonable deposit or application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100), if the notice of cancellation is made prior to the first day or up to the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later. Cancellation will occur when the student gives written notice of cancellation to the school at the address specified on the enrollment agreement or . You can do this by mail, hand delivery, or telegram. The written notice of cancellation, if sent by mail, is effective when deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid. The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by this agreement. You may withdraw from a course after instruction has started and receive a pro-rata refund for the unused portion of the tuition and other refundable charges if you have completed 60% or less of the instruction. Refunds will be paid within 45 days of cancellation or withdrawal.
The amount of the refund shall be the amount the student paid for instruction multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of hours of instruction that the student has paid, less a $75.00 registration fee, and the documented cost of any equipment that the Institute provided the student which was not returned in reusable condition within forty-five (45) days after the student’s withdrawal.
Tuition | $1850 | |
Registration Tuition |
$75 | |
Reader/Book Fee | $75 | |
Tuition, plus all fees, all amounts paid for instruction | $2000 | |
Registration fee retained by school | – $75 | |
Total Amount Paid for instruction / less registration cap | $1925 |
REFUND = $1925 X |
Hours not attended, but paid for _________________________________ Total # of hours paid for |
The table below outlines the estimated refund of tuition if you were unable to complete your training program, although it is prorated based on the exact percentage not completed.
10% completed 90% refund
25% completed 75% refund
50% completed 50% refund
Institutions with programs longer than 12 months that financially obligate the student for any period of time beyond 12 months release the student of the obligation to pay beyond the 12 months if the student withdraws during the first 12 months. The calculation of the refund for the unused portion of the first 12 months is based on the calculation above. If the student withdraws during any subsequent period following the first 12 months, the student’s refund for the unused portion of the tuition applicable to the period of withdrawal is prorated as above.
If a student obtains a loan, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the money not paid from financial aid funds.
Refunds are issued through the Business Office when a student withdraws from all classes. The issuance of a refund is not contingent upon notification of withdrawal by the student. Students who officially withdraw from the college should contact the school Director to initiate the issuance of a refund. For students receiving funding from a third party, tuition refunds are first applied toward repayment of third party funding.
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a program and the institution cancels the class, the institution refunds 100% of the tuition and fees collected. You have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund. The institution, for all students, without penalty or obligation, shall refund 100 percent of the amount paid for institutional charges, less a reasonable deposit or application fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100), if the notice of cancellation is made prior to receiving the class materials.
Once a student has enrolled, a student may receive a full refund (minus the registration fee) if the student has not received any of the class materials. Cancellation will occur when the student gives written notice of cancellation to the school at the address specified on the enrollment agreement. You can do this by mail, hand delivery, or email. The written notice of cancellation, if sent by mail, is effective when deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid. The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by this agreement.
The school will also refund money collected for sending to a third party on the student’s behalf, such as a license or application fees. If the school cancels or discontinues a course or educational program, the school will make a full refund or all charges. If a student obtains a loan, the student will have to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student receives federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the money not paid from financial aid funds.
Change in the day or time when the class is offered after the student has enrolled in the course – A full refund must be offered to a student who does not consent to a change of day, or any class that is offered on a day when the student is not scheduled to attend the institution, or to a time that is outside the range of time the student is scheduled to attend on the day for which the change in time is proposed.
School closure – The student has a right to a pro rata refund of the unused portion of tuition should the school close before the student completes his or her course of instruction.
A pro rata refund shall be no less than the total amount owed by the student for the portion of the educational program provided subtracted from the amount paid by the student, calculated as follows: (1) The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program (total institutional charge, divided by the number of days or hours in the program), multiplied by the number of days student attended, or was scheduled to attend, prior to withdrawal. All amounts paid by the student in excess of what is owed as calculated shall be refunded.
Refunds are issued through the Business Office when a student withdraws from all classes. Students who officially withdraw from the college should contact the school Director to initiate the issuance of a refund. For students receiving funding from a third party, tuition refunds are first applied toward repayment of third party funding. Refunds will be paid within 45 days of cancellation or withdrawal.
There is no refund for classes that are for Professional Development and Continuing Education classes. These classes are not accredited by the Council on Occupational Education and are not meant to lead to an occupation on their own.
The transferability of credits you earn at Globe Institute of Recording and Production is at the complete discretion of an Institution to which may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the Certificate or Degree you earn in Globe Institute of Recording and Production is also at the complete discretion for the Institution to which you seek to transfer. If the credits, Certificate or Degree that you earn at this Institution are not accepted at the Institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that Institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this Institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an Institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Globe Institute of Recording and Production to determine if your credits, Certificate or Degree will transfer.
You must pay the state-imposed assessment for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if all of the following applies to you:
1. You are a student in an educational program who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition either by cash or personal loans, and
2. Your total charges are not paid by any third-party payer such as an employer, government program, or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party.
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment if either of the following applies:
1. You are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program, or
2. Your total charges are paid by a third party, such as an employer, government program or other payer, and you have no separate agreement to repay the 3rd party.
The State of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents, or are enrolled in a residency program attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. You may be eligible for STRF if you are California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid STRF assessment, and suffered and economic loss as a result of any of the following:
1. The school closed before the course of instruction was completed.
2 The school’s failure to pay refunds or charges on behalf of a student to a third party for license fees or any other purpose, or to provide equipment or materials for which a charge was collected within 180 days before the close of the school.
3. The school’s failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federally guaranteed student loan program as required by law or to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the school prior to closure in excess of tuition and other costs.
4. There was material failure to comply with the Act or the Division within 30-days before the school closed or, if the material failure began earlier than 30-days prior to closure, the period determined by the Bureau.
5. An inability after diligent efforts to prosecute, prove, and collect on a judgment against the Institution in violation of the Act.
However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or taxpayer id #.
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Tuition Details
Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable) – IN-PERSON & ONLINE – $75
Reader and Book Fees – IN-PERSON & ONLINE – $75
Student Tuition Recovery Fee – IN-PERSON – $7.50
Instructional Fee – IN-PERSON – $2442.50
ONLINE – $1845
ONLINE – $2000
Payment Plan
The Institute does not participate in Federal and State financial aid programs so we don’t have Federal Funding.
However, we do offer financing as you go without any interest.
We do not offer Veterans Assistance (VA) but do take employer vouchers.
The Institute does offer a discount for in-person classes when paid more than 2 months in advance.
Certificate Program Downpayment – $750 Must be paid off by the end the program (Normally $500 per month)
(If payments are more than 2 weeks late the student may be put on probation.
If payments are more than one month late the student may be dismissed)
Other Possible Fees
Tutoring (if required) $50 per hour | |
Transcripts Fee | $5 |
Return Check Fee | $25 |
Room and Board (estimate) | $1000 per month |
Transportation (estimate) | $40 per month |
There are no additional fees required for anything else.
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How to Signup
Fill out the application here: www.SoundHealingCenter.com/application.
You can pay in the application or call with a credit card.
CLICK HERE to see the next start times and detailed schedule for this Program.
Feel free to contact us HERE with questions or for more information.