
432 Hertz Tuning Fork – Weighted


432 Hertz is:
–  The Frequency of cells
–  What they tuned to in Ancient Egyptian
–  Radius of the Sun is 432 million miles across
–  Average Frequency of Baby Cry
–  Heart Meridian
–  Creates a beautiful Cymatic Pattern in every water droplet of you body
–  Latitude and Longitude of many sacred sites
–  Measurement in many sacred sites
–  When music is tuned to 432 hertz, half of the other frequencies in the octave are whole numbers
–  The Rife Frequency used for lime’s disease
–  Exactly 2 Octaves above 108.

9 in stock (can be backordered)


432 Hertz is:
–  The Frequency of cells
–  What they tuned to in Ancient Egyptian
–  Radius of the Sun is 432 million miles across
–  Average Frequency of Baby Cry
–  Heart Meridian
–  Creates a beautiful Cymatic Pattern in every water droplet of you body
–  Latitude and Longitude of many sacred sites
–  Measurement in many sacred sites
–  When music is tuned to 432 hertz, half of the other frequencies in the octave are whole numbers
–  The Rife Frequency used for lime’s disease
–  Exactly 2 Octaves above 108.

Additional information


Unweighted, Weighted


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