These are the frequencies within the rainbow based on the commonly accepted mathematical formula for converting the frequency of colors (nanometers) to sound frequencies. Especially useful when coupled with various types of color therapies.
Frequencies in Hertz
Violet 179.653 Hz
Blue Violet 158.2647 Hz
Blue 151.92 Hz
Cyan 140.354 Hz
Dark Green 138.081 Hz
Light Green 129.4347 Hz
Yellow 118.6297 Hz
Orange 115.81 Hz
Red Orange 103.966 Hz
Spectral Red 99.2898 Hz
Note: These forks could take between 2-3 months to make and ship to you.
This set is tuned to Archangel Michael based on numerology of his name. The musical fifth is the ideal harmony to Michael.
Archangel Michael is the firstborn of all creation and He is the first angel created by God. He is one of God’s four Archangels who has been by God’s side during subsequent creations of the universe.
Archangel Michael’s energy is a very powerful energy which can purify, neutralize and eliminate negative energies. His Energy is perceived as golden, violet and blue colours.
The name and the energy of Archangel Michael is the pure love of God.
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