Sacred Geometry Pendants
Sacred Geometry structures resonant the divine template of perfection
that is the sacred geometry within our bodies, our cells and throughout nature.
We offer 2 types of pendants here:
1. Iconnect Pendants – These pendants tie into a powerful Sacred Geometry grid created by Gregory Hoag.
2. Sacred Geometry Pendants – These pendants are made from minerals. Even the sparkles are minerals.
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The Heart and Soul Companion Pendant
Consciously wearing this Companion is strong support for us in these intense times of change. You may find the desire to switch which side is towards your body more often for enhanced connection to Mother Earth or more active creative and mental acuity.
Each Heart & Soul Companion contains 2 sides. By choosing which side you wear towards your body, you will feel more energy from the celestial and mental realms with the Star Face or have a more grounded experience with the Earth Face. Play with what feels best to you as you are wearing the Companion each day.
The gems added to the Heart & Soul Companion act to move energy from the higher dimensional frequencies into the physical world. This increases the energy flow into your body with the chakras being the receivers of these energies.

Flower of Life Sacred Geometry Pendant
The Flower of Life symbol is considered to be sacred among many cultures, both ancient and modern. Within this symbol can be found all the building blocks of the universe (Platonic Solids). The Flower of Life can be used as a metaphor to illustrate the connectedness of all life and the one spirit within the universe.

Golden Mean Spiral Sacred Geometry Pendant
This spiral is derived via the golden rectangle, a unique rectangle which has the golden ratio. This form is found everywhere in nature: the Nautilus Shell, the face of a Sunflower, your fingerprints, our DNA, and the shape of the Milky Way.

Merkaba in the Flower of Life Sacred Geometry Pendant
This joining of the MerKaBa and the Flower of Life further empowers unity consciousness.

Merkaba Sacred Geometry Pendant
The MerKaBa, which can be viewed as a three dimensional Star of David. Also spelled MerKaBah, it is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.

Metatron’s Cube Sacred Geometry Pendant
Mythically speaking, Metatron was originally human, elevated to archangel by God for his services as scribe. He was considered to be the foremost communicator between humans and the divine. Meditron is best known for his ‘cube’ which is derived from the Fruit of Life, which are thirteen circles concealed in the ancient Flower of Life found inscribed on the walls of the Osirion temple at Abydos, Egypt and throughout many ancient cultures. The centers of each of these thirteen circles are then all connected to each other to form Meditron’s Cube and it is from this pattern that all of the “Platonic Solids” can be formed which are the building blocks of all life.

Sunflower Mandala Sacred Geometry Pendant
This Sunflower Pendant pattern showed up as a crop circle and it also looks just like the beautiful Sunflower plant.

The Flower of Life Sacred Geometry Pendant
The Flower of Life symbol is considered to be sacred among many cultures, both ancient and modern. Within this symbol can be found all the building blocks of the universe (Platonic Solids). The Flower of Life can be used as a metaphor to illustrate the connectedness of all life and the one spirit within the universe.

The Seed of Life Sacred Geometry Pendant
The Seed of Life Pendant is a symbol of blessing and protection passed through generations; it contains the secret of the seven days of the creation. It can also be worn as a symbol of fertility. These circles are placed with 6-fold symmetry, forming a mesmerizing pattern of circles and lenses. It is just one level away from the most recognized Sacred Geometry Symbol, the Flower of Life.

The Sri Yantra Sacred Geometry Pendant
The Sri Yantra or Yantra of Creation, represents the OM vibration and has been known in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions since Vedic times, as the most powerful and mystically beautiful of all yantras (visual symbol to balance the mind or focus it on spiritual concepts). It represent the timeless creative principle of the universe, the continuous unfoldment of all realms of creation from the Central Source and, with that mindfulness; it is also used as an object of meditation.