Showing 33–48 of 80 results
21 Hz – Tuning Fork – Weighted
This frequency is featured in the book, “Light messages from the Pleiades,” channeled by Paulina Klemm with excellent meditations. None of the original frequencies had decimals, but high frequencies Randy has divided by 10 or 100 to keep the number intact and still keep in a doable tuning fork range.
Fantastic meditations using this number.
216 Hz. – Frequency of the Honey Bee Tuning Fork – Weighted
The frequency of the honey bee is 216 hertz. It is exactly one octave below 432 hertz. It has also been shown to levitate something on a scale.
It is the note of A. They got it wrong… Bees are actually A’s!!!
2675 Hz – Tuning Fork – Unweighted
2675 Hz E# 107+ 1/16th of the 42,800 Hz. frequency that separated hydrogen from Oxygen in Water.2675 is an excellent fork frequency for tuning quartz crystals
3 Frosted Crystal Bowls for Dementia
18″, 14″ and 10″ in G, D and A.
These bowls are in tune with the Freenote and the Rav Vast G Pygmy Tongue Drum.
32 Hz. Tuning Fork – C – Weighted
Lowest audible C note. Part of binary sequence. Part of medical diagnostic binary frequencies 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 Hz. (All C notes). Good for alertness.
34 Hz. Tuning Fork – C#+17 – Weighted
One of Ibrahim Karim’s BioGeometry BG3 numbers. 34.025 is low tropical year. OM note. 34-68 is good for muscle cramp.
3717 Hz – Tuning Fork – Unweighted
This frequency is featured in the book, “Light messages from the Pleiades,” channeled by Paulina Klemm with excellent meditations. None of the original frequencies had decimals, but high frequencies Randy has divided by 10 or 100 to keep the number intact and still keep in a doable tuning fork range.
Fantastic meditations using this number.