
Individual Tuning Fork Unweighted – In Stock

From: $55.00

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4374 Hz - Tuning Fork - Unweighted


3717 Hz - Tuning Fork - Unweighted

This frequency is featured in the book, “Light messages from the Pleiades,” channeled by Paulina Klemm with excellent meditations. None of the original frequencies had decimals, but high frequencies Randy has divided by 10 or 100 to keep the number intact and still keep in a doable tuning fork range.

Fantastic meditations using this number.


2675 Hz - Tuning Fork - Unweighted

2675 Hz E# 107+ 1/16th of the 42,800 Hz. frequency that separated hydrogen from Oxygen in Water.
2675 is an excellent fork frequency for tuning quartz crystals 

1111 Hertz Tuning Fork - Sonic Sage (Unweighted)

Great for clearing a room
or your Auric Field

When you see 11:11 on your clock you are in the zone and in alignment


936 Hz. Bb Tuning Fork - Unweighted


852 Hz. La Tuning Fork - Unweighted


825 Hz. G# Tuning Fork - Unweighted


741 Hz. So Tuning Fork - Unweighted


714 F 7/17 Tuning Fork - Unweighted


693 F 7/11 Tuning Fork - Unweighted


639 Hz. Fa Tuning Fork - Unweighted


582 Hz. D Tuning Fork - Unweighted


528 Hz. Tuning Fork - Solfeggio - Mi - Unweighted

According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.

The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Independently confirmed by researchers, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings.

Math scientist Victor Showell describes 528 as fundamental to the ancient Pi, Phi, and the Golden Mean evident throughout natural design. Vic Showell and John Stuart Reid (a pioneer in acoustic research and cymatic measurements) have proven that 528 is essential to the sacred geometry of circles and spirals consistent with DNA structuring and hydrosonic restructuring.

528 resolves to a 6, the icon for physical manifestation. That is, 5+2+8=15; and 1+5=6 (using Pythagorean math). The symbol “6” reflects the “spiraling down from heaven into the wholeness of earth.” In fact, the Love frequency can be fundamental to broadcasting all matter and energy into reality according to the laws of physics.


471 Hz. A## Tuning Fork - Unweighted


432 Hertz Tuning Fork - Unweighted

432 Hertz is:
-  The Frequency of cells
-  What they tuned to in Ancient Egyptian
-  Radius of the Sun is 432 million miles across
-  Average Frequency of Baby Cry
-  Heart Meridian
-  Creates a beautiful Cymatic Pattern in every water droplet of you body
-  Latitude and Longitude of many sacred sites
-  Measurement in many sacred sites
-  When music is tuned to 432 hertz, half of the other frequencies in the octave are whole numbers
-  The Rife Frequency used for lime's disease
-  Exactly 2 Octaves above 108.


417 Hz. Re Tuning Fork - Unweighted


396 Hz. Ut Tuning Fork - Unweighted


369 Hz. F# Tuning Fork - Unweighted


256 Hz. C4 Tuning Fork - Unweighted

Middle C on the piano. Physical C.  Part of Medical C forks.  Heart Chakra.  Green color


147 Hz. Eb Tuning Fork - Unweighted


111.1 Hertz Tuning Fork - Unweighted


Additional information

4374 Hz - Tuning Fork - Unweighted


Unweighted, Weighted

3717 Hz - Tuning Fork - Unweighted


Unweighted, Weighted

2675 Hz - Tuning Fork - Unweighted


Unweighted, Weighted

432 Hertz Tuning Fork - Unweighted


Unweighted, Weighted


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