
Alchemy Bowls

All photos and sound examples are of the actual bowl.

We strongly recommend purchasing a bag with your new bowl to keep it protected once it is home, and during shipping!

Buy 3 bowls and save $555
(we will do a refund after you make the purchase)

CLICK HERE to view the Classic Frosted Bowls

Choosing a Bowl
There are many parameters on which to base your purchase.

By far the most important – Does the sound of the bowl speak to you? Listen and feel what it does to your system. If sensitive enough, you will know immediately.

1. Choosing the Note:
a. Based on availability – It is nice to be able to hear the bowl you are buying.
b. Based on your voice – For each person, there is a particular note that is the easiest to tone. This is generally the key that you speak in. When you tone with bowl in this key you can tone longer without getting tired. Also, people often find this to be the most comfortable note to tone, because it is the note that requires the least amount of energy. We have also found that this is the note that people use to express love with their words. We can help you find this note over the phone in just a couple of minutes (and glad to do it for you if you are ready to buy a bowl).
c. Based on your Soul Note – Everybody has a “home” note. Those in the field call it different things: Soul note, signature frequency, central processor frequency, or your resonant frequency. It is nice to have bowl that resonates with your own Soul. It is especially grounding and helps bring you to the deepest state of peace. We can help you find this note for $50 online and $85 at the Institute. However, you may find that you would rather just find the note that feels the best for you intuitively.
d. Based on the note itself or the chakra it represents – You can choose the note based on what note you might need for a project. You can also choose the note based on the Chakra that it is associated with.

2. Choosing the size:
a. Based on availability – It is nice to be able to hear the bowl you are buying.
b. Amount of bass needed – Some need more bass for grounding.
c. Cost – Larger bowls are quite a bit more expensive

3. Choosing the Metal, Gemstone, or Trace Element infused into or on the bowl:
a. Does it speak to you?
b. Are the energies of the elements what you might need or want in your life? You might need a particular element for a particular issue. You also might find that the element just resonates with some particular part of your system, chakra, or aura.

Choosing sets:
1. How do the elements work together?
2. Are the notes harmonious? We make sure that the sets we recommend work together

You can also listen to more than one bowl at a time to develop pairs or sets (although 3 more bowls can overload the sound)

Showing 33–41 of 41 results

    Smokey Quartz Tall Alchemy Bowl – 9″ F-45


    Smokey Quartz Tall Alchemy Bowl – 9″ F-45

    The Smoky Quartz Bowl promotes positive mental and spiritual thinking and the art of staying grounded and balanced. This bowl works the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras for creativity and planting one’s roots in the rich soil of the Earth. Serene Smokey Quartz energies encourage centeredness, joy, cooperation and clarity and are a Golden Brown Rainbow of Earth Tones for the coming of the Crystal People to planet Earth, according to Hopi prophecy.

    Note F -45; Size 9″


    Tesseract Salt, Androgynous Indium (inside), Platinum Alchemy Bowl – 7″ B+30


    Tesseract Salt, Androgynous Indium (inside), Platinum Alchemy Bowl – 7″ B+30

    The Sacred sounds of the Tesseract Salt Crystal Singing Bowls carry the energies of tesseract salt of all Earth’s ancient oceans. As we are spiritual beings of water, salt, crystalline and DNA bodies, the sacred geometry of a 4-dimensional tesseract cube within a cube replenishes itself and assists our ascension pathway into the higher spiritual dimensional energies.

    The deeply violet-hue iridescent bowl contains Indium, a non-synthesized natural substance for vitamin and mineral absorption, balance in body alignment, centering, clearing and integrating male/female aspects of self. Radiating the violet light of ascension (I AM ONE), the Androgynous Indium bowl illumines one’s Interior Life, allowing all aspects of Self. Embracing the physical shift to male/female balance, we fully dance the expanded frequencies of Enlightenment that transcend cultural belief systems.

    Platinum bowls stimulate the Divine Feminine, which lends stability, fosters creativity, alleviates anxiety/depression, reduces stress, and strengthens the emotional body. Platinum balances and harmonizes both the physical and spiritual bodies, which provides a calm, grounding, and steady energy. These bowls balance the chakras, opening the user to higher consciousness whole facilitating grounding. Platinum is commonly used during ceremonies of Sacred Union.

    Note B+30; Size 7″


    Tesseract Salt, Aqua Aura Gold Alchemy Bowl – 7″ E-40


    Tesseract Salt, Aqua Aura Gold Alchemy Bowl – 7″ E-40

    The Sacred sounds of the Tesseract Salt Crystal Singing Bowls carry the energies of tesseract salt of all Earth’s ancient oceans. As we are spiritual beings of water, salt, crystalline and DNA bodies, the sacred geometry of a 4-dimensional tesseract cube within a cube replenishes itself and assists our ascension pathway into the higher spiritual dimensional energies.

    This powerful Alchemy bowl helps balance the overly analytical mind and transmute blockages that cause disharmony. A psychic center and yang alignment activator, the Aqua Gold Bowl deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.

    Note E-40; Size 7″


    Tesseract Salt, Aqua Aura Gold Alchemy Bowl 10″ C -45


    Tesseract Salt, Aqua Aura Gold Bowl

    The Sacred sounds of the Tesseract Salt Crystal Singing Bowls carry the energies of tesseract salt of all Earth’s ancient oceans. As we are spiritual beings of water, salt, crystalline and DNA bodies, the sacred geometry of a 4-dimensional tesseract cube within a cube replenishes itself and assists our ascension pathway into the higher spiritual dimensional energies.

    This powerful Alchemy bowl helps balance the overly analytical mind and transmute blockages that cause disharmony. A psychic center and yang alignment activator, the Aqua Gold Bowl deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.

    Note: C -45; Size: 10″

    Tesseract Salt, Zeal Point Aura Gold, 6″ G-35


    Tesseract Salt, Zeal Point Aura Gold

    Tesseract Salt is the sacred square form for manifestation. It grounds the fourth dimension, and builds a strong structural foundation to connect and ground us to manifest the divine on this planet. It is direct grounded connection to Mother Divine.

    Zeal Point (dark blue gold) is named after the Zeal Point Chakra, which is located at the base of the head where the skull and neck meet. It is also known as the “Mouth of God” “Well of Dreams,” “Jade Pillow,” or “Ascension Chakra.” Tap into your self conscious and balance your mind and heart while you expand into your higher self.

    Note G-35; Size 6″


    Violet Aura Gold Bowl 8″ C-50


    Violet Aura Gold Bowl

    Holds a miraculous spiritual energy and opens the possibility to access the high frequency of the violet light. This energy is the spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. This heavenly alchemy is the one behind the science of miracles if we allow them to precipitate in this dimension.

    Note C-50; Size 8″

    White Light Aura Gold Great Salt Lake Salt 8″ E-30


    “White Light Aura Gold”

    Alchemy with mineral rich salts from the Great Salt Lake, Utah, the home city of Crystal Tones. Great Salt Lake alchemy is rich in a multitude of minerals including magnesium, potassium and lithium. A companion to ease grief, loss and depression, this pure alchemy also brings the caring, gentle and comforting energies of the Divine Mother, an alchemy of great cleansing, detoxification, and renewal.

    This alchemy helps in downloading Akashic information from the blueprint of your matrix. It bridges higher dimensional consciousness to the present. It soothes the separation of consciousness and eases anxiety. White Light Gold supports in developing and heightening spiritual awakening in physical reality. It also enhances psychics and channeling abilities. When infused with another alchemy, White Light Gold is able to upgrade and transform other elements into a higher Cosmic State of existence.

    Note: E-30; Size: 8″

    Hard Shell for Alchemy Bowls


    Satin Bag for Alchemy Bowls
