Sound Healing Instruments
Alchemy Bowls
Bowls with different Crystals, Metals and Elements embedded in the Quartz. The energy of the element is transferred directly into your body through the harmonics they create.
Crystal Lyre
Angelic pure sound from quartz crystal tubes. Especially effective when held and played around the body in a treatment.
Deep vibrating low frequencies that are excellent for breaking up blockages and stuck energy.
Full range of gongs tuned to planets that include the widest perspective of frequencies for the ultimate clearing of emotional and physical energies.
Drums and Rattles
Buffalo and Elk drums entrain the heart and brainwaves into stable rhythms. Native Americans have long used the white noise from Rattles for clearing.
Tibetan Bowls
Hand made bowls from Nepal. Some antiques. Embedded with Prayer while being hammered into tune. Also, manufactured Zen bowls with a beautiful pure tone.
Tuning Forks and Sound Tubes
Full range of tuning forks and sound tubes with special metals tuned to auspicious frequencies.
Sansulas, Freenote Xylophones, Pleyades Drums
A Sansula is a kalimba thumb organ with a resonant chamber. Freenotes are resonant xylophones that anyone can play. Pleyades are metal drums tuned to Pythagorian tuning.
Showing 225–235 of 235 results
Individual Tuning Forks Weighted – In Stock
Order forks tuned to any frequency you like. Just email us the frequency. About 3 weeks to be made up and shipped.
Traditional Aboriginal Didgeridoo from Australia
Traditional Eucalyptus Aboriginal Didgeridoo from Australia
Traditional Aboriginal Painted Didgeridoo from Australia
Traditional Eucalyptus Aboriginal Painted Didgeridoo from Australia
(Needs Beeswax mouthpiece)
QUARTZOPHONE L1 (432 Hz / Pythagorean Tuning)
The Quartzophone® L1 (crystal lyre) is a new type of instrument that can be classified as a member of various families of musical instruments, such as crystallophones, xylophones and vibraphones. The Quartzophone has tubes composed of pure quartz crystal mounted on a transparent acrylic base. Guitar keys, guitar strings and special metal pins firmly hold and suspend the pure crystal tubes. This unique structure gives optimal vibration space to the tubes and creates a unique, divine sound!
7 Piece Chakra Set
216 Hz. – Frequency of the Honey Bee Tuning Fork – Weighted
The frequency of the honey bee is 216 hertz. It is exactly one octave below 432 hertz. It has also been shown to levitate something on a scale.
It is the note of A. They got it wrong… Bees are actually A’s!!!
Pythagorean Tuning System Tuning Forks – White Keys only – Weighted
The “Ancient Egyptian” Pythagorean tuning based on the natural musical harmonics found in nature in every sound. This scale represents the first organized musical tonal system of the ancient world.
Note: These forks could take between 2-3 months to make and ship to you.
Chakra Tuning Fork Set based on BioResonance frequencies by Paul Schmidt – Weighted
Paul Schmidt has done some of the most extensive research on the frequencies within the human organism. The frequencies of these tuning forks is based on his research.
According to Paul, all tissues like skin, liver, bones and other organs have their own oscillation and resonate on their own special frequencies. Bioresonance Paul Schmidt means seeking and then passing on all the frequencies necessary for the stimulation and final regulation of the organism and giving the body the chance to selfregulation.
Frequencies in Hertz
85 Hz – E 17 – Heart
55 Hz – A 11 – Solar Plexus
90 Hz – F# – Sacral
45 Hz – F# – Root
Note: These forks could take between 2-3 months to make and ship to you.