The Schumann Resonance is a frequency in our atmosphere that is triggered by lightning. The frequency averages 7.83 cycles per second, and it entrains our brain into a brainwave state right between Theta and Alpha. Since it has been humming in our atmosphere for millions of years it is a frequency that we actually need. Astronauts actually received this frequency electromagnetically whenever in outer space. The problem is that this frequency is obscured by the electromagnetism in a city.
This CD contains the Schumann Frequency as binaural beat frequencies for maximum effect. There is no music on this CD! The frequencies are played on a carrier frequency of 62.64 hertz — the same note as the Schumann frequency at a higher octave. We also include binaural beats in Delta and Deep Delta (Epsilon) also tuned to the Schumann frequency to bring you into a deep state of meditation.
Short Demo (The frequencies are too low to be heard on small laptop speakers)
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