Sound Healing Instruments
Alchemy Bowls
Bowls with different Crystals, Metals and Elements embedded in the Quartz. The energy of the element is transferred directly into your body through the harmonics they create.
Crystal Lyre
Angelic pure sound from quartz crystal tubes. Especially effective when held and played around the body in a treatment.
Deep vibrating low frequencies that are excellent for breaking up blockages and stuck energy.
Full range of gongs tuned to planets that include the widest perspective of frequencies for the ultimate clearing of emotional and physical energies.
Drums and Rattles
Buffalo and Elk drums entrain the heart and brainwaves into stable rhythms. Native Americans have long used the white noise from Rattles for clearing.
Tibetan Bowls
Hand made bowls from Nepal. Some antiques. Embedded with Prayer while being hammered into tune. Also, manufactured Zen bowls with a beautiful pure tone.
Tuning Forks and Sound Tubes
Full range of tuning forks and sound tubes with special metals tuned to auspicious frequencies.
Sansulas, Freenote Xylophones, Pleyades Drums
A Sansula is a kalimba thumb organ with a resonant chamber. Freenotes are resonant xylophones that anyone can play. Pleyades are metal drums tuned to Pythagorian tuning.
Showing 49–64 of 235 results
21 Hz – Tuning Fork – Weighted
This frequency is featured in the book, “Light messages from the Pleiades,” channeled by Paulina Klemm with excellent meditations. None of the original frequencies had decimals, but high frequencies Randy has divided by 10 or 100 to keep the number intact and still keep in a doable tuning fork range.
Fantastic meditations using this number.
2675 Hz – Tuning Fork – Unweighted
2675 Hz E# 107+ 1/16th of the 42,800 Hz. frequency that separated hydrogen from Oxygen in Water.2675 is an excellent fork frequency for tuning quartz crystals
32 Hz. Tuning Fork – C – Weighted
Lowest audible C note. Part of binary sequence. Part of medical diagnostic binary frequencies 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 Hz. (All C notes). Good for alertness.
34 Hz. Tuning Fork – C#+17 – Weighted
One of Ibrahim Karim’s BioGeometry BG3 numbers. 34.025 is low tropical year. OM note. 34-68 is good for muscle cramp.
3717 Hz – Tuning Fork – Unweighted
This frequency is featured in the book, “Light messages from the Pleiades,” channeled by Paulina Klemm with excellent meditations. None of the original frequencies had decimals, but high frequencies Randy has divided by 10 or 100 to keep the number intact and still keep in a doable tuning fork range.
Fantastic meditations using this number.
40 Hz – Tuning Fork – Weighted
E – Good for dementia. A fundamental frequency of Thunder. Good for spastic conditions. A gamma frequency for brain waves. 39-43 Hz. is good for rheumatism. 35-48 Hz. is good for Parkinson’s, edema, muscle relaxation and muscle cramps, multiple sclerosis, memory, insomnia. 35-50 Hz. is good for pulmonary emphysema, circulatory challenges, lower brain, abdominal pains, lower back pain, blood circulation, cerebral palsy, pulmonary emphysema, circulatory, headache, post-operative scar tissue.
40″ Atlantis Chau Gong – In-Store Pickup Only (Can’t be Shipped)
The Atlantis Chau Gong mixes the classic look and feel of the traditional Chau gong with mystique and depth of our exclusive Atlantis gong.
The science of metallurgy and the art of the gongmaker combine to create a gong with differing coloration and varying pockets of harmonics throughout the gong. The classic lathing pattern brings balance and control to the overall sound, making this gong something special that’s a must-have for sound alchemists, therapists, healers and musicians.
Item Specifications:
Approximate Weight: 1 lb 8 oz
This gong is available in our store for pickup only. We can’t ship it.