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Showing 97–112 of 451 results

    87 Hz. Tuning Fork – F29+ – Weighted


    F29+  Is 25/18 ,a small Just Tritone above 62.64

    92.8 Hz Gb – Tuning Fork – Weighted


    Gb29 = a comma flatted 5th , 40/27 above 62.64 

    97.09037 Hz – Tuning Fork – Abb – Weighted


    An octave of the Earth 24 Hour Solar Day and a very low octave of the DNA Resonance  =1024/675=675th Harmonic.
    DNA Max Resonance = 1024/675 X 2^49 = 8.54015929344E14 Hz. – Simply 8.54 + trillion Hz. 

    All 12 Cyma CDs (Immediate Download)


    SAVE $100 when you buy all 12!

    1. Arthritis
    2. Asthma
    3. Brain
    4. Chronic Fatigue
    5. Circulatory System
    6. Depression Relief
    7. Digestion
    8. Endocrine Glands
    9. Happy Bones
    10. Muscles
    11. Nerves, Tendons, Ligaments
    12. Respiratory System


    You get both the MP3 (for the phone) and WAV files (better quality for the computer.

    All 12 Cyma Physical CDs


    SAVE $120 when you buy all 12!

    Have CDs mailed to you

    All 12 Cyma Physical CDs – IN STORE PICKUP ONLY


    SAVE $120 when you buy all 12!

    Have CDs mailed to you

    Androgynous Indium (base), Lemon Aura Gold (rim) Alchemy Bowl – 9″ A# -45


    “Androgynous Indium (base), Lemon Aura Gold (rim)”

    The deeply violet-hue iridescent bowl contains Indium, a non-synthesized natural substance for vitamin and mineral absorption, balance in body alignment, centering, clearing and integrating male/female aspects of self. Radiating the violet light of ascension (I AM ONE), the Androgynous Indium bowl illumines one’s Interior Life, allowing all aspects of Self. Embracing the physical shift to male/female balance, we fully dance the expanded frequencies of Enlightenment that transcend cultural belief systems.

    A psychic center and yang alignment activator, the Lemon Gold Bowl deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras.
    Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results
    in an entirely new, elevated lemon healing vibration.

    Note: A# -45; Size: 9″

    Androgynous Indium Alchemy Bowl – 6″ F-35


    Androgynous Indium Alchemy Bowl – 6″ F-35

    The deeply violet-hue iridescent bowl contains Indium, a non-synthesized natural substance for vitamin and mineral absorption, balance in body alignment, centering, clearing and integrating male/female aspects of self. Radiating the violet light of ascension (I AM ONE), the Androgynous Indium bowl illumines one’s Interior Life, allowing all aspects of Self. Embracing the physical shift to male/female balance, we fully dance the expanded frequencies of Enlightenment that transcend cultural belief systems.

    Note F-35; Size 6″


    Anxiety Free and Unconditional Love Guided Meditations – Physical CD


    This CD incorporates music inspired by Spirit, and uses music production techniques that have been shown in research to create specific emotional effects.

    Anxiety Free and Unconditional Love Guided Meditations (Immediate Download)


    This CD incorporates music inspired by Spirit, and uses music production techniques that have been shown in research to create specific emotional effects.

    Aqua Aura Gold Alchemy Bowl 6″ A-30


    Aqua Aura Gold Bowl

    This powerful Alchemy bowl helps balance the overly analytical mind and transmute blockages that cause disharmony. A psychic center and yang alignment activator, the Aqua Gold Bowl deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.

    Note: A-30; Size: 6″

    Archangel Michael Alchemy Bowl – 7″ E-30


    Archangel Michael Alchemy Bowl – 7″ E-30

    Archangel Michael is the firstborn of all creation and  He is the first angel created by God. He is one of God’s four Archangels who has been by God’s side during subsequent creations of the universe.

    Archangel Michael, the commander of the celestial forces, responsible from the harmony and protection of the universe, is the warrior Archangel for the elimination and purification of negative energies.  He is the director of Heaven and the leader of the Archangels.

    The meaning of Michael (Mikha’el) is “Who is like God”.  Archangel Michael is known and accepted by all religions.  In Christianity, He is considered similar to the “Holy  Spirit”. He is symbolically pictured with a sword of blue fire, shield and armour.  Like all angels, He is neither male nor female and can appear in any form.

    Archangel Michael’s energy is a very powerful energy which can purify, neutralize and eliminate negative energies.  His Energy is perceived as golden, violet and blue colours.

    The name and the energy of Archangel Michael is the pure love of God.

    Note E-30; Size 7″


    Art of Mixing Book – 3rd Edition


    THE ART OF MIXING — A Visual Guide to Recording, Engineering and Production, by David Gibson uses visuals of mixes to explain and SHOW how to create every style of mix that is typically done for each style of music and song. Gibson has mapped out everything that can be done to create various effects in a mix. It’s an in-depth exploration into the aesthetics of what makes a great mix in a simple, visual manner. The book shows everything from Bluegrass to Big Band, New Age to Heavy Metal, Classical to Hip Hop, Jazz to Rap, and Alternative Rock to Techno.

    Art of Mixing DVD


    The videos use the 3D visual framework to explain and show how to create every style of mix in the world for any style of music.

    Art of Producing Book – 2nd Edition


    This book provides an all-inclusive perspective on everything that goes into producing a project, and how to do it. Most producers are simply flying by the seat of their pants. Once you have finished this book, you will have a better perspective on how to produce a project than most producers. With experience you can become a major producer.