Sound Pillows and Dolphins
Sound Lounges and Tables
Powerful proven tools for Relaxation, Sleep, Pain Relief, Emotional Issues, Parkinson’s and PTSD.
Sound Pillows and Dolphins
Powerful vibrating tools that you can hug. Especially effective when you are sandwiched between the Sound Lounge and a Pillow or Dolphin.
Bass Pods
Like a Sound Table in the hand for specific localized vibrations on the body. Works best with the Cyma CDs. Nothing better for pain, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments and bones.
Other Vibrational Tools
Sound Vests for specific chakras or acupuncture points. Sound Masks for brainwave entrainment and sound EFT treatments. Sound Sandals for vibrating through the feet into the whole body.
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Sound Dolphin
Vibration you can hug
The Dolphin works really well with a sound table so that you can have sound on both the front and back of the body at the same time,
but is quite effective as its own Standalone VibroAcoustic tool.
After purchasing, look for the link to the Hookup Instructions in the Receipt sent by Woocommerce.
Also feel free to call for help hooking it all up.
Comes with Digital Downloads of 4 CDs
If you would like Physical CDs also – Change each CD below to “1”

Sound Pillow
Vibration you can hug
The Sound Pillow works really well with a sound table so that you can have sound on both the front and back of the body at the same time, but is quite effective as its own Standalone VibroAcoustic tool.
After purchasing, look for the link with the Hookup Instructions in the Receipt sent by Woocommerce.
Also feel free to call for help hooking it all up.
Comes with Digital Downloads of 4 CDs
If you would like Physical CDs also – Change each CD below to “1”

Vibrating Love Seat
Vibration while working.
After purchasing, look for the link with the Hookup Instructions in the Receipt sent by Woocommerce.
Also feel free to call for help hooking it all up.
Comes with Digital Downloads of 4 CDs
If you would like Physical CDs also – Change each CD below to “1”