Sound & Frequency of Love

The Sound of Love

Based on the Hierarchy of Sound and Music, there are many levels of sound that can resonate love — frequencies, pitches, timbres, musical intervals, music, and energy.

The big thing these days is 528 hertz being the frequency of love. LISTEN HERE (You might want to pause the music in the background at the top of the page).
As far as pitches, many subscribe to F as the heart chakra. Timbres or tonalities refer to instrument sound – probably the most common are the cello, violin and the voice. Actual syllables include Yam, Ah, Hu and my favorite, MMMM. The most common musical interval used to express love is the musical third (the 528 hertz is a musical third in relation to the song playing on the page). We are quite familiar with the music of love, which often has some sadness and melancholy about it.

It seems obvious that true frequency of the energy love is higher than sound. You can actually bring the energy of love to any frequency. You can bring love to low frequencies, midrange frequencies, or high frequencies. In the classes, we often infuse “the frequency of love” into a wide range of frequencies during a session – frequencies that span the entire range of sound.

The Frequencies of Love
Lately there has been a lot of talk about 528 hertz being the “Sound of Love,” as a frequency that unravels the DNA (which I assume is a very positive thing) based on the research of Leonard Horowitz. However, when you look at the research there is no actual definitive research that shows this frequency does either.

However, many people are now subscribing to this Frequency as the “Sound of Love” and are tuning their music to it, and using tuning forks tuned to 528. And, many people are getting good results and getting very high. There are now a large number of videos on YouTube.

The truth is that 528 hertz is one of the Solfeggio frequencies that has some auspicious math to it. The Solfeggio frequencies were originally used by some ancient monks, and there is still the good chance that they were really tuned in, so I would not throw out any babies.

Also, even if the frequency had no meaning at all, the fact that so many people have subscribed to it has created a resonant field, which is quite positive. When a large number of people tune into the same thing anywhere, it can boost the effect dramatically.

Meanwhile, whenever anyone comes up with a specific frequency that is supposed to create a specific effect I ask a few questions:

1. Has anyone else come up with the same effect for the same frequency independently?
2. Is there any research? How good was the research? Was it clinical research? How many people and with what controls was it done. Not that the research has to be clinical research. There are many techniques that are getting good results (rife boxes, muscle testing, etc.). I just want to know how the research was done. Or, as is often the case… was it found by a psychic? Again, I am by no means throwing out any psychic information, but I would just like to know.
Not that every frequency has to be researched to be valid! For example, there are many miracle stories of healings and transformations from many sources and we don’t have a clue how they happened. I certainly don’t want to miss out on some powerful techniques just because they haven’t been researched. However, if we are to bring Sound Healing more into the mainstream, we are going to need proof.
3. Does the person who came up with this information have anything to benefit from putting out this information? Whenever, anyone comes out with a specific frequency doing a specific thing, my first thought is that it just might be a marketing tool. Especially, if no one else has come up with the same frequency and there is no research that we can access.
After years of having students at the Institute find the frequency of love for themselves, I have come to believe that the frequency of love is normally different for different people. Therefore, I feel it is more important for a person to find the frequency that resonates love for them. Instead, of being told by someone else what it is. Once you know it for yourself, you can then you can use it to find the energy of love on your own. And again, when you resonate the energy and sound of love at the same time it creates a stronger resonant field that is much more powerful, enjoyable, and effective to bask in.
At the Institute, we have been testing the Sound of Love every semester for 8 years and just letting people come up with what feels right for them. We first have everyone tune into the energy of Love, then find the frequency that matches that feeling in his or her heart. Commonly, when people find the frequency that resonates in their heart the feeling of love is enhanced dramatically.
I have been noticing the frequencies that people come up with and they range from around about 200 – 450 hertz. No one ever comes up with a frequency as high as 528. Also, 528 is so high of frequency that is really stressful to tone (try toning with it and see what you think).

Pitches of Love
On the other hand, I wouldn’t doubt there is a specific frequency of love in our Universe (or just our Solar System). My guess is that it is a really high frequency that is way above all the frequencies of sound. If so, then that frequency would be a specific pitch (one of the 12 notes on a scale). Therefore, we could octavized it down — 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, etc, — until it is within the frequency range of sound. When you take 1/2 of the frequency of a sound it is still the same note at a lower octave.

Many subscribe to the pitch being an F based on the accepted Heart Chakra note. 528 hertz is actually a high C. If I had to guess the pitch I would guess that it is D — for a couple of reasons. First, every semester we have students tune into the energy of love and we play various crystal bowls and frequencies – without telling them the notes. More than 80% of the time (over 7 years) people have said that D resonates love the most. Now this research is not scientific, but it is just another piece of evidence.

Also, I know a few very high beings (including Joel Andrews, the harpist – who I really respect) that say that D is the note of love. This also makes sense because Pachelbel Canon is the song that is in more weddings than any other song, and seems to make more people cry than any other song on the planet – and it is in the key of D!

Again, who knows for sure. Maybe one day Source will let us all know for sure.

If you have access to an instrument you can simply bring love into your heart and play each of the 12 notes to see which one seems to resonate the energy the best. You can also find a piano on the web you can play with by CLICKING HERE. (You can also find it by doing a search for “Virtual Piano”).

The Sounds or Timbres of Love
When in love, many people often make a soft “coo-ing” sound. My favorite is “mmmm” (especially when in love). It’s nice to notice what sounds mothers make to their babies.

The most common sound for the heart chakra is the sound of “ah.” Try it and see how it feels. The Sanskrit seed syllable that has been used since ancient times is “yam.” The ancient Tibetans used “hung.” Today many people subscribe to “hu” as the best sound to open the heart.

When it comes to instrument sounds, it is often so hard to separate out the energy of a person playing the instrument from the actual sound or timbre of the instrument. I often think of it as the instrument sounds that tend to “cry” or “soar.” It seems the violin and cello cry really well. However, obviously the voice is by far the best in every way for accessing the sound of love. Also, certain drone instruments can instill a sense of peace that resonates love. Many people use Crystal Bowls to access love. The Harp is also a mellow sound that lends itself to the soft feelings of love.

In the classes at the Institute, we talk about activating “odd harmonic” sounds versus warm and calming “even harmonic” sounds. Generally warm and calming timbres are definitely better for opening the heart. A trumpet or heavy metal guitar sound normally doesn’t work so well.

The Music of Love
A musical interval is the relationship between two notes. The most common musical interval used to express love is the musical third, although the Perfect fifth is often used (If you play both the song at the top of this page where the play button is, and the 528 hertz together, the 528 hertz is actually a musical third in relation to the Unconditional Love song).

Also quite common is the minor 6th musical interval, which has ratio between the two notes very close to the golden mean – 1:1.618. This golden mean ratio is found throughout nature and ultimately is the essence of the fibonnacci spiral. This spiral is in every living thing including the human body, the conch shell, a cactus, flowers, and our solar system. It is also found in the heart rate when we are expressing in a coherent state of love! In fact, many believe that the essence of love in geometrical form is the fibonnacci curve and golden mean. The minor 6th is the main interval in the theme song from the movie, “Love Story,” and is found in many other love songs.

It is interesting that most love songs often have a bit (or even a lot) of sadness or melancholy in them. Love songs are often in the more sad “minor” keys. However, love in its truest form is not sad. Obviously, the loss of love is sad, or the longing for love can have some sadness to it. However, it seems that when we are feeling love it is a really high consistent hum that is not sad at all. Perhaps we need a bit of sadness to get us out of our head into our feeling heart so we can once again access the love that we are.

The song playing on this page is actually based on Unconditional Love. It actually has quantum codes embedded in it from Nutri-Energetics that are about the energy of Unconditional Love. The song was also created while holding the energy of Unconditional Love.

The Energy of Love
Again, the true essence of love is an energy that can be brought to any frequency, pitch, sound, musical interval, or song – regardless. So out of all of this, the most important aspect is simply the energy of love (which, since everything is vibration does have a frequency… but who knows for sure).

Some people are getting so hung up on the actual frequency of love that they are forgetting to – simply love. When someone has a powerful intention of invoking love, then the energy is unbelievably powerful.

We now plan to research the actual frequency of love. We will be looking particularly at the frequency of Universal Love. We will be doing the research in a major lab with various equipment to pickup very fine details of physiological and subtle body changes. We will begin by monitoring a large group of people who say they are accessing love to see what the physiological responses are. We will then use this a baseline as to when people are actually accessing love in various forms. We will then play the full range of frequencies, timbres, and musical intervals to people to see if they illicit the same response. With enough tests we hope to come up with some frequency that is common to all humans.

Of course, it could all change as humankind and the planet evolves.

Finally, I have come to believe that there are two main things that bring us into a state of love:

1. Someone else in a state of love – We are often resonated into higher energies by people around us who are holding energy of love, or are simply in a state of love.

And more importantly:

2. Finding your own direct connection to Universal Love. Some call it Divine Love, or Spiritual Love. And, when you find this direct connection, nothing is more powerful. You then can access what some call, “The Water of Life.” whenever you like.

The Sound of Love is a great tool to help us find these energies of love.
It is also really powerful to help create a stronger resonant field that we can swim in.
And, even most importantly of all,
it helps create a strong resonant field on the planet,
and when it becomes strong enough
it will entrain the whole planet
into the Sound and Energy of Love.